Precious Time

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          I walked into Ariana’s house with her still in my arms. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even meaning she was asleep. I walked up the stairs into her room. I set her down gently on the bed when I caught a note.

          Hey Ari, Jay wanted me to come early for some reason; says he has some news. I don’t get why it’s so early in the morning, but I went. Judging by Nathan’s car in the driveway and your absence, I’m guessing you’re with him. Have fun. Make sure you use protection! Love you girl


          News; he was probably going to tell her about what Scooter told us. The conversation replayed in my mind.

          Nathan: Hey what’s up, Scooter

          Scooter: Hey kid, I have some news

          Nathan: What is it? And can you make it quick? I’m with Ari

          Scooter: Well, I recently contacted the choreographers

          Nathan: And?

          Scooter: Well, apparently they sent an email a couple weeks ago saying that they weren’t going to be able to go to California to help you guys for certain reasons

          Nathan: What does that mean?

          Scooter: It means they won’t be able to go to California Nath. But they said we could meet them over where they are.

          Nathan: And where exactly are they?

          Scooter: Europe

          Nathan: But that’s all the way across the country

          Scooter: Yeah, but that’s not the worse news

          Nathan: What’s the worse news then?

          Scooter: Well, they said that they need to see you guys really early for the choreography. Like earlier than before

          Nathan: How early

          Scooter: Well, they want to start tomorrow

          Nathan: TOMORROW?

          Scooter: Let’s just say I booked you and the boys a flight in five hours.

          Nathan: FIVE HOURS?! We’ll come back, right? We’ll come back to California?

          Scooter: Well, by the time you guys are ready, the tour is already starting and the first concert is in Britain. So I guess not. Well, not for a couple months.

          Nathan: What about Ariana?

          Scooter: Look kid, I’m sorry. You could try to make it work.


          I pulled the blanket around Ariana’s sleeping figure. She looked so beautiful asleep. I pushed a hair away from her face. How was I going to tell her? What if she gets mad and breaks up with me? I sighed. The necklace in my back pocket started to feel heavy.

          “I’m sorry”, I whispered to her. I knew she couldn’t hear me. I slowly kissed her forehead and walked out of the room before I could do anything else. I drove back to me and the boys’ house. I slammed the car door shut and walked inside the house. “I don’t know what to do”, I heard Jay’s voice. He was sitting on the couch.

          Elizabeth was sitting beside him, a grim look on her face. “There’s nothing you can do”, she whispered to him. “There has to be something I can do”, he answered. She shook her head, “No there isn’t. You need to go to this”. I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Oh hey Nath”, Jay mumbled halfheartedly. I nodded at him. “Where’s Ariana”, Elizabeth asked. “At her house sleeping”, I said.

          “You guys didn’t… do anything… right”, she started. I shook my head, “No nothing”. She nodded and turned back to Jay. “Of course you need to go”, she mumbled. The two were silent. “Well, I’m just going to… go”, I bolted out of the room and into my bedroom. I collapsed into the bed and closed my eyes.

          There just has to be something. I looked around my bed room. My closet was wide open and… empty. They probably packed up my things already. I turned around in my bed and looked at the picture of Ariana and my bedside table. She was sticking her tongue out at the camera. I lightly touched the picture.

          “Hey Nathan”, Max said coming into the room. “Go away”, I grumbled. “Look mate, I’m sorry”, he said. He sat next to me on the bed. I didn’t even glance at him. I was busy looking at the picture of Ari. “I know you are going to miss her, but you’ll see her. We have a concert in California and she probably has a concert somewhere close to us”.

          I shrugged and side glanced at him. He got up, “Well, the flight leaves in a couple hours”, and he walked out. I sighed and walked back downstairs. Jay had and arm around Elizabeth and her eyes were puffy. I sat on a chair close to them. “Have you told Ariana that you are guys are leaving really soon”, Elizabeth asked, looking at me. I shook my head.

          “You need to tell her. You’re wasting precious time that you could be spending with her”. I scratched the back of my neck and looked down, “I know”.

          “Well, we shouldn’t be moping around for my last hours with you Liz”, Jay said, getting up. He took her hand and led her towards the door. “Take care of the place Nathan. I’ll be back for the flight”, and he shut the door. I took out the necklace I was supposed to give Ariana for our anniversary. I ran my hand along the key and reread the engraving.

          I closed the box and slipped it back into my pocket. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. There has to be something I can do! I can’t just leave her here for months and months! I just wish I could stop time, just for a couple hours. I looked at the clock; 8:00am

          She should be awake by now. Elizabeth was right. I should spend the rest of this time with her. I got my car keys and walked out the door. 

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon