There They Are

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“And this is why I love you”, I said and pecked his lips. He laughed, “That’s all I get”, and I rolled my eyes. I kissed his lips again but for a little bit longer. “Better”, he said, “But not quite enough”, putting a finger to his chin. “Well, that’s all you get, Sykes”, I said, grinning. He pouted which made me laugh, “Oh get over it Nath”. He rolled his eyes and I noticed that he had glasses on his nightstand.

I reached over him and picked them up, “Are these your glasses”, I asked looking at them. They were black nerd glasses with really big lenses. He laughed, “Yeah”. I opened them and put them on his eyes. “I probably look terrible with them”, he said, scratching the back of his neck. I giggled, “No, I like guys with glasses. They’re cute”. He grinned, “Then I shall wear these more often”, he said, pecking my nose. I giggled again and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Our lips slowly started coming closer and finally they crashed together.

  His grip on my waist tightened and I ran one of my hands in his hair. His glasses were digging into my skin. I pulled him closer to me and his skin was warm under my fingers. His glasses were really starting to annoy me so I pulled back a little so I was still in his arms. “There are really annoying me”, I whispered and took his glasses off and set them on the nightstand again. He laughed a little and pulled him to me again. Our lips crashed together again and he started to kiss down my neck.

          My breathing hitched and I gasped a little. My eyes wandered everywhere and I spotted the clock; 1:45. “Nathan”, I said. “Hmm”, he whispered in between kisses on my neck. “We… have to go… to bed”. He started to kiss back up my neck; “We’re in bed aren’t we?” he smiled. I rolled my eyes, “You are such a flirt”.

          He laughed and pulled back, “You’re right. I have the music video tomorrow anyways” he said, “Which you are coming to”, he smiled. I couldn’t help my eyes venture to his lips again. He smirked which made me roll my hands. I got under the covers after he did and I laid my head on his chest and wrapped y arms around his torso. I felt him put his face in my hair. My eyes started to drift close and soon I was surrounded by darkness, just listening to his heartbeat.

          “Ariana”, I heard a silky voice say. I didn’t dare open my eyes, “Ariana”, the voice whined. I was about to roll over to the other side to avoid the voice but there was something locked on my waist. “Ariana, wake up”, the voice whined again. “Shut up”, I mumbled and snuggled my head more into his chest. “Baby, wake up”, my heart fluttered when he said baby. I suddenly felt someone kiss my neck slowly. “Nathan”, I drew out the ‘a’ in his name.

          He laughed a little at my neck, making me shiver. “Ari, open your eyes”. I groaned again, “Nathan James Sykes if you don’t shut up now, I will get you later”. I felt him grin again, “Ariana, I want to see your big brown eyes”, he crooned. I couldn’t help but blush even with my eyes closed. I lazily opened my eyes and I immediately saw Nathan’s bright green eyes. “There they are”, he said smiling.  

          “Why’d you wake me up”, I groaned out. He grinned, “Because I get to spend the whole day with you”, he said, his forehead resting on me. “Well, if it was the whole day, couldn’t you just wake me up a little later”, I joked with him and he laughed. “No because the video shoot starts in a couple hours”. I groaned again and flipped onto my stomach away from him which made him pout.

          “I’m tired”, I whined into the pillow. “Of course you are”, Nathan laughed. I poked his side without lifting my head from the pillow, but I met his skin. My head immediately popped up and stared at his um… stomach; his very hard stomach. He caught me staring and smirked, “Eyes up here buddy”, he said, mimicking me and my voice. I slammed my face into the pillow and screamed into it, making him laugh.

          “You need to put on a shirt”, I said, lifting my head from the pillow. “And why is that”, he asked, grinning. “Because it’s… distracting”, I said, looking back there again. He caught my eyes wandering and beamed. “Then I don’t think, I’ll put a shirt on”. I rolled my eyes, “Oh shush”.

          “What time is it”, I asked, rolling back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, “Noon”. I opened my eyes, “Wait what”, I worried. “Oh don’t worry. I just woke up too. Plus, we’re probably the only people up”. I nodded and put my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It started to beat really fast. “Why is your heartbeat so fast”, I asked, looking up at him. His eyes met mine, “Because my heart always beats fast when you’re with me”. I blushed and closed my eyes and was about to go to sleep.

          “No don’t go back to sleep”, he whined. I mumbled against his chest, “Why”? He said, “Because I’ll be lonely”. I groaned, “You have your phone don’t you”? He said, “Well, it’s not the same”. I laughed and reached over him to get my phone. I got it and unlocked my phone.

          The door suddenly opened and in came a distressed Jay. Nathan started to groan in annoyance and I slapped his arm. He chuckled and I laid my head back on his chest. Jay fell onto the bed beside me and Nathan with his face on a pillow. “What’s wrong Jay?”

          Jay said into the pillow, “She still hasn’t answered my call yet”, and he lifted his phone from his chest and threw it across the room. I said, “But Jay, you have to wait. She’s probably not ready yet”. He lifted his head from the pillow. “But I’ve called her a million times; you would think she would’ve answered to at least tell me to stop”. I rolled my eyes, “Maybe her phone is dead or something. Maybe she doesn’t even have her phone”, I lied. She always has her phone; no matter what.

          Just at that moment a phone started going crazy. “Maybe that’s my phone”, Jay exclaimed and he dove for his phone. His shoulders sagged when he realized it wasn’t his. I took a glance at my phone on my lap and I bit my lip with guilt; it was Lizzy. I cleared my throat, “Hello”, I asked quietly. “ARIANA”, Liz yelled. I’m guessing Jay heard her through the phone because he looked at me with pleading eyes. “IF YOU’RE BOYFRIEND OR JAY IS IN THE ROOM RIGHT NOW, LEAVE THAT FREAKING ROOM”, she yelled so loudly that Nathan looked at me with worried eyes.

          I shrugged at him and pulled out of his arms and walked out the door.

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang