Oh the Horror

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I woke up to my alarm clock going crazy by my bed. I groaned, but refused to open my eyes and slammed my face into the pillow. The ringing still persisted and I groaned again. It kept ringing and ringing and I finally snapped. I threw the clock to the other side of the wall which shut it up. I smiled at my work and was about to fall asleep again. I then remembered that Liz stayed over and some of the events from last night started to come back to me.

            “You two seem to be enjoying each other’s company”. They jumped out of their little trance with each other. It looked like they were about to kiss. I couldn’t help but wink at the two blushing love birds. “Well, I’m just going to take Liz now before you two get too close, if you know what I mean”. I laughed and pulled Liz into my apartment. “Good seeing you Jay!” I yelled through the door. Liz finally seemed to concentrate and she looked at me, “I hate you girl!” I laughed at her, “Just wait. When I meet that Nathan kid or whatever your boyfriend’s name is, I am going to embarrass you”, she said laughing. We laughed together.

            “Oh girl, can I borrow some clothes for tonight? I forgot some”. I laughed, “Yeah, you know where they are”. She ran to my room and jumped inside. Once I was positive she wouldn’t come out for a couple minutes I ran to the closet Nathan was in and swung the door open. “Nathan”, I whispered trying to find him in the dark closet. I suddenly felt familiar arms snake around my waist. Oh god. I felt soft kisses on my neck and I forced myself not to make a sound. “Nathan”, I whined/moaned. I walked away from the closet with his arms still around my waist. “Ari; girl, all of these shirts are your boyfriends!” I mentally face palmed myself and tried my best not to moan out. Nathan was still at my neck. “Ari where’s your hair brush?” she yelled. I internally groaned, “In the bathroom!”

            “Nath, she’s going to come down soon”, I whined. I felt him whisper something into my neck that was unintelligible which sent shivers down my spine. I suddenly got an idea. I flipped us over and pushed him towards the door and smashed his lips to mine. I felt him gasp in surprise and I smirked through the kiss. I went down his cheekbones to his neck and I felt him shiver. I nibbled gently on his neck and kissed there softly. I kissed back up to his lips and finally, I connected his lips with mine again. I felt him put his hands on my hips and I fumbled with the door knob. Nathan was leaning on the door so when I opened it he stumbled out. I giggled softly at him and he smiled.

            He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I rested my forehead on his and wrapped my arms around his neck. He gently connected his lips to mine and I couldn’t help but close my eyes. He pulled back slowly and I felt myself pout. He smiled at me. He kissed my cheek and took his arms away from my waist. He grabbed my hand and brought his lips to it without breaking eye contact. I couldn’t help but blush as he gently put my arm back to my side and started to walk away.

            The last thing I remembered from that night was a bunch of thrown food, gossip, magazines, nail polish, and chick flicks. I also remember she told me about her date with Jay, but I don’t remember half of it.

 My phone started ringing which pulled me out of my thoughts and I groaned. I just decided to give up and get out of my bed. I sat up into a sitting position, “Hello”, I grumbled. “ARI, there you are. C’mon let’s have breakfast at my place”. I groaned. Frankie. “Frankie, what time is it?” I heard him walking through the phone, “Ten”. I groaned, “You know, you could have just walked over here and told me that you were making breakfast”. He laughed, “Girl, you know I’m too lazy to do that”, I rolled my eyes at him through the phone. “Ok, be here in ten”. Before I could protest, he hung up. I groaned and threw the phone on the bed and slammed my head into the pillow. I suddenly remembered that Lexis was staying and I looked toward where she always sleeps beside me on my bed. She wasn’t there, but a note on the pillow:

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ