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She couldn't keep her eyes off the boy. Somehow everything about him fascinated her. What confused her even more was how her cat was instantly attracted to the man, or Newton. Normally, her cat never appeals to anyone. Wolf usually only stays close to one person, and as most imagine, it's Willow. Newton just amazed Willow one of those things being how he could never focus. How he slouched his shoulders, how he didn't freak out, or even really care when she said she was from the rose family, how he faintly smelled of Erumpent musk. At this point, Willow hadn't realized she was staring.

That was only until Newton glanced up at her and quickly said, "Thank you by the way." Obviously, Willow was confused at this statement. Why would he be thankful of her giving him a seat? The only conclusion that could pop into her head was that he must have been referring to something else.

"For what?" She asked. She was hoping he didn't hear the confusion inflected in her tone.

"Letting me have a seat. Most people at this school find me sort of... weird and people normally just ignore me." Newton said, keeping his head down as always. This statement shocked Willow and confused Willow. She had always wanted to be ignored, considered weird, because that meant she was being herself. She did take into consideration they both do have different views on the matter. But, discovering this, made Willow want to discover more and hopefully uncover more secrets about the man. Mostly how he was able to make her act almost... caring.

"Really? You seem like the type of person everyone would like and would want to hang around." Willow said honestly. At the sound of this, Newtons head shot up and he looked at Willows face, and of the first time. He actually got a good look at the girl. He noticed every feature. But, his were laced with confusion. Why was this girl he barely knew being so kind to him? After a moment or two, he came up with the conclusion that she was just trying to make Newton feel happy. That it didn't really mean anything. At this, Newtons head went back to is normal position of staring at the ground, he usual frown rested upon his features.

"People actually find me quite annoying." Newton said as he kept his head down, his eyes still not focusing. Willow was still a bit shocked at this. How could people find this intriguing man annoying?

"I think people would find me more annoying than you." Willow told him. Instantly, it was now Newtons turn to be confused. His eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to come up with how someone so caring towards him could be considered in anyway annoying. Basically, to Newton, Willow was the nicest girl he'd ever met.

"How so?" He couldn't help but ask. Now, Willow wasn't about to open up to an almost complete stranger, but somehow, Newton made her want to tell him more about herself, well anything really. This man was changing Willow while she didn't even realize it.

"Well, since I'm a part of the Rose family, basically everyone wants to say they know me, that their friends with me." She told him as she looked slightly towards the ground, "So, sometimes I'm rude to them try to make them get the picture, but they never do."

"That's disgusting." Newt said almost right after she finished her little speech. With him saying this, Willow became a tad frightened. She was scared that whatever she had said, made him angry. She thought that this meant she wouldn't be able to learn more about Newton. Willow gulped.

"What is?" Willow asked carefully, not wanting to make Newton angry. She tried to savor any good conversation that was left. The last thing the girl wanted was to make him angry, and by doing that not be able to learn anything more from him.

"It's disgusting how those people only want to be your friend for your name." Newton told her, his eyes glancing up in Willows direction. "It really is." I sigh of relief escaped Willow's lungs. She was now overjoyed at the fact he wasn't mad at her for being rude to people.

"Yeah I agree." Willow told Newton, "Just when you label someone with a family and a blood status it doesn't mean they're any different than others. But, people don't see that. And honestly, it's just wrong. Makes me want to puke even." Willow said, but soon regretted it. This is what she had gotten for letting her mouth free for once. But that fear soon faded when she heard a slight laugh come from Newton. The sound was music to her ears.

"I completely agree with you 100% on that one." He said looking up with a slight smile resting on his lips, "This is the best conversation I've had in awhile, Willow." When Newton told her this, Willow's head immediately looked up, a small smile plastered on her features. She was happy to think of this man as a friend.

"I concur with your previous statement." Willow said, talking in a British accent. She slightly giggled at what she had just done. "But, please call me Will. Willow sounds a bit depressing if you think about it." Willow told him using her normal speaking voice, the small smile not being able to leave her lips.

"Will it is then, but if I call you Will, then you have to call me Newt. Newton is a bit of a mouthful." He said, looking into Willows eyes for the first time. He saw the beautiful deep blue color. But his eyes natural didn't stay fixated on them, though he wanted to look at them for just a tad longer.

"Newt it shall be."

A/N So there i was, writing a new chapter for this book at three AM, when suddenly my laptop just had to restart for no reason, and since ya know, i didn't save it. I lost everything. And that was a really good, long chapter. So have this slightly longer, re-write of it that is actually about the same. Sorry for my mini rant. 

Anyone have any ship names for Will and Newt? I was thinking Wewt (Pronounced 'whoot') or Nell maybe? idk, you guys should comment ideas or something.

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