Chapter 3- The Letters From No One

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Time change.
Year 6.

Already six years have passed. My whole family hates me. My mother is the only one who ever bothers to even remotely speak to me. It's the quiet life for me.

Every year for vacation is the absolute worse. My slytherin robes clash so hard against the raveclaw decore. I'm so out of place. It's strange to be out of place in your own home, your own family.

My sixth year was about to begin, it's only early August. My professors seem to think I'm a good kid. I do as my parents said, no grade below a B. I've succeeded that much, but they don't care.

I mostly just stay up in my room, and read. A maid usually brings me food, if not, I fetch it myself. After that day of my first year, everything in my life has been so lonely. Sure, the other slytherins talk to me, but in my opinion, they're just default acquaintances.

All these years and I still feel icey eyes on me, but when I look, there's no one looking. They are good,whoever they are, but I will find them. That is my personal mission this year. It's also the year I decided that I should put my blank book to use. I always have it, but I've never used it since I received it in my first year.

~Entry one. August 11th.
This year at school should be no different than any other. It's all the same. Same disgraced family, same acquaintances, some everything. But maybe I can make it a little different. To find out who these eyes belong too. Why stare at me, but no introduction? Lavana and her friends are alright I guess, but they get a little annoying sometimes. I don't even know why they keep me around. I don't even talk. Sometimes I forget what my voice sounds like. ~

I finished my first entry and was startled by a tap at my window. It was an owl. No one ever sends me an owl. No one. I opened my window and the owl gave me my letter. I payed the strange glossy owl a few knuts, and it flew away.

This letter was dark green with silver trim and a black seel, obviously from slytherin extent. I opened the seel and pulled out a letter of fine parchment. A rich slytherin at that.

The words were neatly written with care.

Hello, you don't know me, but I know you. I don't know lots about you, but I wish I did. You're very intriquite and secluded. Why? A girl such as yourself should be flooded with friends and crushes. But you choose to be alone. I like that. Write back if you'd like, I'd love to hear from you. Just leave your letter in this green parchment and lay it out on your window, my owl will retrieve it.
~ dm.

My eyes could not believe themselves. Who was this? Why did they write to me? I must play to my confusion and curiosity and write back, I need to know who they are.

I grabbed my black quill I had used to write my entry with, using the ink it came with. I took out some parchment and stared at it. Wondering what I should write.

Why hello, this is a surprise. No one ever writes to me. I'm curious as to why you did. I'm nothing special. But perhaps, you are they one who the roaming eyes belong too? I've been so curious about it. Why me? What has peaked your interest so? My name, if you don't know it already, is (Y/N) (L/N). Who are you?

I sealed it back up and set it out on my window. As promised, the owl arrived a half hour later. Wisking away my letter. Now all I could do was wait patiently.


A tap came at my window. It was the glossy owl. I took the letter and it flew away before I could give it some knuts. I opened the letter excitedly.

You wrote back! Now I say, that's a surprise. Don't mind paying the owl, though that was nice. Her name is
Alaya. It's my mother's owl, my owl is sick. I do apologize for the confusion, but I can't reveal myself yet. The eyes as you call me. You're correct. You'll just have to wait until school to find out. It won't be easy though. I'm good at hiding. Much like you are. Like a daisy in a field of roses. I'll see you then, daisy.

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