Alternative ending #1. Part 4. The reason

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Draco gazed into the distance and shyly looked around. Then he grabbed my hands and guided me to a seat and sat with me. "Are you sure you want to know?" He asked softly, I nodded my head. "They told me I was going to have to kill someone. That someone was supposed to be you, but as the time carried on, I couldn't do it. I started to..." his voice trailed off.

"Started to what??" I said alarmingly, searching his face.

After a long pause he said, "I started falling in love with you. I couldn't kill you, but I couldn't fail either. So they made a compromise, and you fulfilled it."

"So... so you have a mark now... because of me?"

"Yes but that's okay, its okay," he said quickly, clenching my hands, "it waa going to happen sooner or later, and me having this mark because of you is... I don't know, special to me." He added, looking me in the eyes.

I looked down at my own mark. There was no going back. No changing what had happened. "I.. don't know what to say.."

He grabbed my face gently, "that's okay. I'm here for you now, and I always will be. Don't forget that. We can help eachother. You're still a human being. My favourite one."

We sat there in silence. The grey clouds loomed overhead and the chilly air nipped at our noses. I ended up laying on him while he held me. Together we created a special peace. A peace like no other, that could come from nothing else.


Later that day I spent some time wandering the house. It was huge, but I was already familiar with a lot of it. Soon it would be dinner time. Luckily, the dark lord would not be there.

I found a room that was not like the rest. It was at the top of the manor. At first I thought it was the astronomy tower, but there was nothing like that in it. All it had was a couch and a table, with a large window taking up the entire wall opposite of it.

"I come here sometimes. To be alone."

I jumped at the sound of a voice and turned around to see not Draco, but his father. I stared awkwardly at him, not knowing what to say.

"(Y/N), I am..." he paused for a moment, struggling to speak, " I am sorry for what have been made to perform. But you, executed it, with such bravery. You have an ambitious hate for those who have betrayed you." The more he spoke he edged closer to me. "I hope you prove to be as useful as you have made yourself out to be." He finished, placing his hand on my shoulder for a moment, then he turned and slowly strutted away.

This left me with mounds of confusion in my stomach. I need to find Draco.

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