Chapter 1

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[Credit for the story up until chapter 12 goes to david.davies.5851. Story published by Tragic_Shadow on Wattpad]

Shaak Ti opened the doors and entered the chamber. She stopped just inside the door and looked around. The things she saw surprised her. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had a look of worry on his face, Master Yoda looked slightly lost within himself, Master Kit Fisto, Master Windu and Ki-Adi Mundi were slowly shaking their heads, but Plo Koon was in the worst condition. Shaak Ti could sense the pain in him. She wondered what has happened, so she asked. 

"What has happened?" She asked, as she stood in front of he council members.
Everyone looked at her, and Obi-Wan said: "I'm afraid we've got some bad news."
"Bad news?" She asked, and began to worry.
This time Plo Koon answered. The pain was evident in his voice; it was deeper than usually and extremely shaky. "We asked Little 'Soka to come back into the Order, but... she refused... She left the Order permanently..."
Shaak Ti stood in shock. She felt like she was hit right in her heart. Ahsoka... had gone? 
"She... she left? Permanently?"
"I'm afraid so," Obi-Wan said, dropping his head. "Anakin is in pieces; according to what he told me, Ahsoka said that she couldn't trust herself anymore because she believed that we didn't trust her, so she left."

Tears started to stream down Shaak's face, as all the calmness and serenity that she was known for evaporated. "No... No no no no no... Noooooooooooooooo... I've lost her..." She dropped her head into her hands and broke down in tears. She knew that all the council members have heard what she said, but she didn't care. She didn't care anymore, all that mattered was that she lost Ahsoka. Forever.

Sorry for the short chapter. This is my first fanfic ever, and I really really hope you like it!

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