Chapter 4

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Warm sunlight streamed through the window of the caboose that was barreling toward an unknown destination. At least, it was unknown to the boy the caboose was carrying. Connor sat up in the bed and yawned. He wondered when his tower got so comfortable, but it didn't take him long to remember where he was. Periculum raced along as Connor stumbled over to the window. The morning sun sat at the top of his window, the only thing constant. Everything else sped past in greens and greys. Connor stretched and went to the door of the caboose that led to the rest of the train.

He opened the door and the noise of the moving train enveloped him. The deafening roar of wind followed him as he carefully stepped across the beam and opened the door into the next car. Once inside, the door shut behind him. The car was empty other than a mat on the floor and a table in the corner.

I need to find Adam. And Mr. Summertin. Where is everyone? Connor crossed the car and opened the door to the next one. The wind hit him again as he spanned the beam to the other door. He stepped into the next car to find it was a narrow hallway with a door on the left. Music drifted from the door, but Connor saw the Do Not Disturb sign on the knob and decided to move on to the next car. He opened the door and quickly got to the next car, which was empty other than a bar and some cupboards in the corner, and Mr. Summertin.

"Hello Connor! I was starting to wonder if you were going to get up at all today," Mr. Summertin greeted him as the door slid shut behind him.

"Connor!" a voice yelled from the back of the car. Adam ran out from behind a bookshelf and up to Connor. He looked as if he wanted to hug Connor, but stopped himself and smiled instead. "I thought you said no!"

"And leave you by yourself?" Connor smiled. "Never!"

"Well boys, you ought to eat something before we get started," Mr. Summertin interjected. "You have a long day ahead, but we'll try to make it fun."

"The food's over here Connor," Adam said, ushering Connor to the corner of the car. Connor followed him and Adam handed him a large muffin and a water bottle. Adam sat down on the ground and Connor followed suite, eating the muffin quickly and downing it with the water.

"We're ready," Adam said to Summertin after Connor was done eating.

"Follow me then," Mr. Summertin responded.

As they walked, Connor nudged Adam and whispered, "Ready for what?"

Connor and Adam followed Mr. Summertin back through the hallway Connor had walked through and then into the empty car with a mat on the ground and a table in the far corner.

Mr. Summertin turned around to face the two boys. "Here's where we'll begin your testing. Before we do that, I must confess I bent the truth a little yesterday. You will be joining our circus, but it is much more than that. You see, the circus is just a cover."

"What do you mean?" Connor asked.

"I mean we are circus performers, but we are special. We have gifts that most people don't have. You have them too. That is what the wave picked up in both of you, and that girl during the performance yesterday."

"Do you mean like magic? Is that how we did all that stuff yesterday?" Adam asked, his eyes wide.

"I do mean magic, yes."

Great, I joined a circus headed by a madman. Connor thought.

"So, what exactly is your gift then, if all of you have one?" Connor posed with clear reservation. "I'm going to need proof before I believe something like that."

"Well Connor, my gift is the gift of runes. I can draw something and make it come to life," Mr. Summertin said, his face serious.

Connor raised an eyebrow. "Let's see it then."

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