Chapter 20

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The sun rose above the horizon, filtering into the freight train car and onto Connor's face. He had never imagined how much easier being a stowaway would become with the ability to fly. All he had had to do was steal a wallet to pay for bus fare, ride the bus until dark, then get off and fly onto the next train heading west.

Connor sat up and stretched, looking out into the morning air. They were pulling into a train station, palm trees towering over the rails ahead of them.

It didn't take long for Connor to spot the Train Periculum's bright colors parked a couple rows to the side of him. Glancing around to make sure no one could see him, Connor jumped out of the car and onto the ground on the opposite side from the station. Hitting the ground lightly, he ran across to Train Periculum.

A few members of the circus were there unloading tents and supplies, and it didn't take long for Connor to spot Kirk and Riley helping each other carry a long wooden beam and drop it to the ground, both with somber looks on their faces. No Adam.

Riley spotted him first, and her expression burst into joy. She ran to him and gave him a tight hug.

"We thought you died!" she exclaimed, her voice wavering. Was she crying?

"I wasn't gone that long, was I?" Connor asked, smiling and trying to lighten the mood.

Riley pulled back. "Three days is a long time. Meridian said Camp Caute got a hold of you."

"They did, but Riley- is Adam... alive?" Connor said, glancing around past her.

Riley glanced around too. Kirk, who Connor had expected to come right behind Riley, had gotten into a conversation with Mr. Salem, their backs turned to them, though Kirk kept glancing back at them.

"He's alive and recovering," Riley said, her voice hushed. "Let's go see him."

Without waiting for agreement, Riley walked away from the group of performers and down the line of train cars. Connor followed.

What's going on? Connor thought, hoping Riley would pick up on it.

After a pause, Riley's voice entered Connor's head. Mr. Summertin voiced concern that you would come back to betray the circus and fulfill Amanda's prophecy. He said to confine you if you ever returned.

What? Connor thought. What on earth could Mr. Summertin's brother ever say to convince me to do that?

The leader of Camp Caute is Mr. Summertin's brother? I never knew that, Riley thought-said.

There's a lot we don't know.

Riley pushed open a door of one of the train cars and stepped inside. Adam was laying in a cot. His head shot up when the door opened, and when he saw Connor, his eyes filled with tears. Connor could feel his own eyes trying to retaliate, but he pushed them back.

"You look awful," Connor said with a small laugh. Adam, in reality, looked a hundred times better than he did the last time he saw him, but there were still some cuts and bruises on his face and arms.

"I can say the same for you," Adam returned with a big smile. Connor had forgotten that he hadn't bathed in three days, unless he counted his almost-drowning while escaping from Camp Caute.

Connor walked up to his bed meaning to hug him but refrained himself. 

Adam paused. "I don't remember anything. I really don't know what happened."

Riley hung back from the bed and stayed by the door. She looked at them with worried eyes. "Somebody's coming. I'll go out and hold them off. Stay here."

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