Chapter 10 : Dissapointing News

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Yuki's POV

Its been 4 days since Yuka was bitten by that Level-E and she hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

Kaname and Takashima decided to that they would go home to mother and father and tell them that Yuka has been found.

I sat on the bed in the medical room, where Yuka was lying. Her breathing was steady and so was her beating heart.

The door opened and Zero and Ichiru came through the door.

"Has she shown any signs of waking up?" Zero asked me.

I shook my head,"No she hasn't."

The headmaster walked in, with a doctor at his side.

"I've called in a specialized doctor. He should know what to do about the Level-E bite."

The doctor went over to Yuka and examined her heartrate and breathing. He then looked at the bite mark on her neck. He shook his head apologetically at us.

"Im sorry but there is nothing I can do about her condition. She would have to recover on her own somehow. If she was a vampire.. it would have been a different story."

When the headmaster and doctor left, there was a knock on the door.

I walked over to the door, opening it.

"Hello Kaname, Takashima." I then glanced behind them to see mother and father.

"Hello Mother, Father," I say smiling, letting them into the room.

"Hello Yuki," greeted my Mother, and my Father nodded at me with a small smile.

I saw Mother looking for Yuka.

"Mother, shes here," I told her. She immedietly looked my way and her eyes widened.

"Yuka??!" She walked over to where Yuka was lying, a smile appeared on her face while she stroked her face.

"Its her. She's alive," my mother said and started to get all teary. Father went over to mother and embraced her, while looking pleased to see that Yuka was alive.

Father took mother over to the chairs by the wall and sat her down.

I was happy to see that Mother and Father both now had something to smile about.

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