Love & Sacrifice

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"Without sacrifice, true love is incomprehensible." – Toba Beta

"Do you really know what you have to do?"

"I'm going to try."

"I hope this time is the last time."

Standing before the gate, Hailey took a deep breath as she tried not to stumble; the earth was trembling erratically near the gate. A strong gust of wind was blowing her away from where she stood, but thanks to Athena's barrier, she was able to keep still and unwavering from her place. Stretching her arms out, she took another deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing all her energy forward.

Energy swirled around her as her mind raced back to that moment – the time when she first went to the other side; it was once fond memory, but a memory long forgotten. It was the time where she remained innocent of the powers she bore; a time where she never once headed Zander's warnings and merely thought that he was a joke and nothing more than a figment of her imagination.

"Elliot..." she mumbled as Scott noted the name, "I hope you're right about this," she spoke softly as she slowly pulled her arms back and crossed them on her chest as the energy around her heightened; her focus was building up with each passing second as she tried to recall that moment when she asked her dear old friend to trust her, "I trust you to know what I'm doing."

Let's hope this fellow does, Scott thought as he watched her focus all her power into her body as the fight around them continued; the renegades were relentless in their attack as Scott could hear distant howls and cries of pain, as much as he could see the T-Rex almost losing the upper hand. Alexis was battling with Art, trying to keep everything away from him as he constantly battled the skeleton that kept on rejuvenating itself by having the renegades merge with its body.

On the other hand, Oriana had been picking off her enemies one by one as she used her sharp talons to slice them as she flew above them, beheading some in the process. Her wings were covered in flesh wounds that have overwhelmed her capacity to recover as much as Art was also in the same wounded state; Alexis was also battered with open scars that greatly reduced her speed, but bore the pain and kept on fighting.

The battle before Scott was turning into a one sided war as he saw the azure phoenix in the distance become swarmed by at least three dozen renegade souls; the phoenix was trying desperately to get away from them as she constantly restored the barrier to a better state. However, Scott could see that no matter how hard the phoenix tried, more and more cracks seemed to be forming on the barrier, which meant her attempts were going to vain.

"Kid, can you hurry it up?" Scott asked calmly and tried not to sound like he was in a rush, "Your friends are all getting beat up."

"Just a little bit more, Scott," Hailey replied calmly as he took slow deep breaths as she concentrated her energy inside her; it was just like the last time she had done this on the first time she entered the other realm with Elliot – the very person she accidentally lost. There was doubt inside her chest as she tried hard to focus her power, unsure if this would end in another total failure after her earlier attempt, afraid that she may not be able to fully fulfil her duty.

"If you say so kid," Scott nodded as he kept he eyes on the rest of the world with his hands in a ball, afraid of what it has turned into; he did not expect for his own knowledge to fail him, aware that he may not have known a lot himself. The time he watched Hailey's ancestor do the ritual, it felt natural and calm, like all she did was breath and the next thing he knew was her life was gone – just like the wind.

As Hailey tried to focus all her energy, Katherine was stuck in a battle she never wanted to have; her mind was trapped in her body that disobeyed every command she made. It felt as if there was someone else in the driver's seat and had been manoeuvring her body all this time; the feeling was so strong as if she was not even in her own body anymore. There she stood inside the confines of her mind watching a film that she never knew existed.

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