1996 Because You Loved Me

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BTW I'm going to be including a TON of music from whichever time period this story is taking place. Not just music, but different kinds of art forms because James is a very artistic person. I am too, which is why writing this story is so enjoyable. Anyways, there will be a lot of what would be classified to people my age or younger as "oldies", but that's the best kind of music. Also, I changed her last name to Andrews.

"You're finally doing it. You're auditioning?" I asked flipping through the script James just showed me. We were currently in my room (listening to Gangsta's Paradise), and he just told me he was for sure auditioning for a school play.  I couldn't be more happier for him. 

"Of course I am. Pete's trying to kiss my girlfriend, that shit." He sighed, sparking up his blunt. He inhaled, and blew the smoke out. He was acting all nonchalant about it, but I knew damn well he was excited on the inside. This was a perfect time for him to explore his interest in acting. "So, help me with my lines?" I nodded, closing the script.

"Of course. Kind of pissed off, he didn't ask me to audition." I chuckled. He passed me the blunt, before responding. I inhaled. 

"Probably because he's trying to get with my girl." He told me. I let out the smoke, and coughed. 

"True." I shrugged, messing with him before smiling.

"Shut up." He laughed, taking the blunt from me.

"I'm just repeating what you said." I put my hands up in defense. The song switched to Celine Dionne's Because You Loved Me. 

"Your tape went from rap, to fucking Celine Dion in under a few seconds." James laughed. 

"I know. Collin made it for me." I told him, with a smile.

"Collin?" He scoffed. I looked at him, and noticed the look of disgust. Collin was one our good friends. James and him bickered a lot, and they weren't the best of friends, but they were civil. James really wasn't close to anyone, a part from me. Especially after he got off probation. He had friends, but he was never truly himself with them. He was some immature version of himself. 

"What's with the face?" I asked.

"Nothing." He smirked, looking down at his script.  "Collin really put this song on a mixtape for you?" I rolled my eyes. He was always reading more into things than he needed to.

"I gave him a list of songs that I liked." I shrugged. "It's not like he poured his heart and soul into making it for me." I told him. James remained silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Whatever you say." He stated. Scoffing, I rolled my eyes.

"You're so annoying." I muttered. Changing the subject, I spoke again. "This is my favorite song, as of right now though." I told him, moving to sit up. I crawled next to him, and leaned against my headboard. 

"It is?" He asked. He passed me the joint. I nodded, inhaling, and then exhaling.

"Not to sound weird, and cheesy but- it kind of reminds me of our friendship." I cringed, at the words that just came out of my mouth. Sometimes my mouth just moves, before completely processing what's going to come out. I felt his eyes looking at the side of my face for a few seconds, before he cleared his throat and responded.  

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