2004 Someday You'll Want Me To Want You

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3 Months Later

"I'm sorry you and Marla didn't work out, dear." Mrs. Dawson told James.

James smiled lightly looking down at the coffee before him. "It's for the best.". He had been visiting his parents in Palo Alto when Cassie's mom invited him over for lunch. She was still like a second mother to him.

"Still- there's nothing worse than heartbreak. I know Cassie was wrecked after her relationship with Ashton ended. No matter how strong she tried to act.". James paused for a moment processing what she had just said.

"Ashton and Cassie broke up? Officially?"

"Just last month." She told him. "I've missed my Cassie so much. She comes back from London next week."

"Oh.". Was all he could manage to say.

"She misses you." She said.

"I doubt that." He chuckled.

" 2:45 on Tuesday, gate C41." Mrs. Dawson recited.

"I'm sorry?"

"Her flight information. In case you wanted to know." She winked before picking up his mug as well as her own and moving to the kitchen.

2:45. Gate C41. 2:45. He memorized.


James's P.O.V

My heart was pounding out if my chest, as I paced amongst the crowd of peope waiting for their loved ones. Each person on the flight came out one by one, or in groups. I watched, just waiting to come fact to face with my best friend, whom I haven't seen in months. I needed to tell her what I couldn't three months ago.

And then there she was. Her hair was slightly shorter, and she looked beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful than I remember. As she stood there, now looking down at her pager, I tried to think of everything that I would say to her.

I let out a breath of air, looking down at the bouquet of roses in one hand and the white envelope in the other. I began to walk, before looking back up and coming to a hault.

And there he was. With an orchid in his hand. His mouth was moving but I couldn't make out what he was saying. She hugged him, and he spun her around.

This whole time I was hoping she'd feel the same way deep down, but now I know. She will never love me like the way she loves Ashton. I need to let her go, I need to let this go.

I tore my eyes away from the scene in front of me, and began to back up. I threw the flowers into the nearest trashcan. Looking down onto my other hand, the note that I had poured my entire heart into. I couldn't do it. I couldn't throw it away.

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