uh oh

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Finn's point of view
so me and millie,we had no idea where we are. Not only that but it was getting pretty late and the sun is going down.
Millie started freaking out and was scared so I told her not to panic because I knew how to survive at least two days in the woods. Since I was a Boy Scout when I was younger I knew how. it was getting pretty late and we are pretty deep into the forest.
"millie just calm down" i told her.
millie was pacing back and forth and wouldnt stop.
i grabbed millie and hugged her.
i whispered in her ear, "millie its ok,you are with me"
she was shedding a tear so i wiped it off her face and she smiled at me and i smiled back.
we walked a alittle bit farther trying to find a good place to camp.
we heard some rustling and she jumped into my arms.
i put her down and reassured her it was just a squirrel. we both looked at each other and laughed. very soon we found a place to camp. i made a fire and we used the materials we had and made a somewhat tent. we sat on a log by the fire.she grabbed my hand and snuggled into my arm.
"finn its so cold"
"you want my jacket millie?"
"are you sure??"
"yea its fine!"
i wrapped my jacket around her and i was cold but i would rather me be cold than her.
soon it was very dark out. I figured it was about 10:00 pm. Millie fell asleep on my shoulder so i woke her up and told her to come into the blanket/tent thing i made. there wasn't much room
so we were pretty close to each other. soon we both drifted asleep....
next morning
Millie's point of view
i woke up to me and Finn's foreheads touching and our legs tangled together. i didn't know what to do because Finn was still sleeping. to be honest i didn't mind. Wait what, millie , you don't like Finn like that. i could hear his breathing and he is so much cuter when he is sleeping. soon he started waking up. i acted asleep and i "woke up" at the same time as him. he looked at me then looked down and smiled. i heard something outside and i got scared so i dug my face into Finns chest not noticing what i just did.
"oh sorry finn, that started m-"
he cut me off and hugged me.
"its fine millie, i know you get scared easily."
we both got up and heard a gunshot in the distance.
"uh oh" finn said.

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