1: Crash

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A/N: Welcome to my story! (PLEASE READ)

This was originally meant to be written for fun, but then I got carried away with writing, hence why the first few chapters are not very well written.

I love hearing your feedback, so don't be afraid to leave comments! 

This story includes subjects of abuse and mental illness, as well as light swearing. Young readers be warned!

I know that any of the things in this story are not canon to the actual Mystreet universe, but that's what AUs are for! Maybe in the future I'll write another, less dark story ^^

Please don't mind the crappy writing in the first few chapters! It was originally very lighthearted but became dark quite fast, and as the mood changed the writing style did as well ^^ Hope you don't mind!!

Thanks for reading! ^^

(Aphmau's POV)

It was another lovely day on Mystreet. Kawaii~Chan and I were baking cupcakes in the kitchen while Katelyn was over at the guys's house watching anime with Travis. She swears it's not a date, but I know better. Kawaii~Chan was going to be working later, so I had invited over Zane to play My Little Horsies while she was gone. He doesn't really enjoy other people joining us during our tea parties. Or seeing us for that matter. Everyone knows about it, and we accept him and support him anyways. He just isn't really comfortable yet. It's a shame, too. I know for a fact he and Kawaii~Chan would get along well. They both have the same interests. Cute things. They just have to break down Zane's wall. But how...

"Aphmau~Senpai! Kawaii~chan would like to know how we should decorate the cupcakes! She knows we are using pink frosting, of course, but should we put anything on top?"

"Hmm," I thought for a moment, "Anything but sprinkles. Garroth will be triggered and we don't want that."

"Haha!" She giggled sweetly, "Okay Aphmau~Senpai!" She walked over to the baking drawer and looked inside while I filled a piping bag with icing. "Oh, Aphmau~Senpai! We still have leftover edible My Little Horsie decorations from Aphmau~Senpai's Birthday! Why don't we use those!"

"Perfect!" I squealed, and we set to work decorating.


As we placed the last gummy Flarity on the last cupcake, we were finally finished. Covered in flour and frosting, (We might have had a bit of a war while decorating. Over what, I don't remember. Though the aftermath was quite the sight) we stepped back to admire our handiwork. Two dozen perfectly frosted My Little Horse cupcakes sat before our eyes, and we couldn't have been happier.

"It was worth the mess" I stated. Kawaii~Chan nodded in agreement as she wiped her hands off and checked her phone.

"Oh my Irene!" Kawaii~Chan is going to be late for work!" She ran upstairs and started rushing to clean herself up, thankful that she decided to wear an apron. It was at that moment the doorbell rang. Zane was already here? Dang, it really did get pretty late.

"I'll get it!" I called up to Kawaii~Chan, who made an almost understandable noise as I heard the water turn on. She probably had to take a shower to get the frosting out of her hair. (Not that it would have mattered- it's all the same color)
I opened the door to see a slightly annoyed Zane carrying a bag of what looked to be magazines, but I knew better. Those were his My Little Horsies- he covered them with the magazines because he didn't want anyone to know he had them. His mask covered face glared at me for a moment, then he took a peek inside the house. When he seemed content, he smiled.

"Ready for our Pony Tea Party?" He asked excitedly. Or, as excited as Zane could get, for that matter.

"Yup! There are cupcakes in the kitchen, I'll grab them. You bring your stuff up to my room.

"Okay, those cupcakes better be pink or I'm going home"

"You're in for a surprise!" I said as I grabbed a couple cupcakes and put them on a tray. I started walking up the stairs when I heard a crash.



There laying on the floor was Zane, his My Little Horsies strewn all over the hall floor, and a towel clad Kawaii~Chan laying on top of him. They both stared at each other for a moment, blushing madly, when Kawaii~chan jumped up and readjusted her towel.

"OHMYIRENE KAWAII~CHAN IS SO SORRY ZANE~KUN SHE DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE AND KAWAII~CHAN WAS RUSHING OHMYIRENE IS ZANE~KUN OKAY!? KAWAII~CHAN IS SO SORRY!" She held out one hand to help Zane up while the other held on to her towel. She pulled him up (she's stronger than she looks) and looked him up and down, genuinely concerned. Zane stared in shock, his face as red as a tomato.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Oh, that makes Kawaii~Chan so happy! She's sorry she fell on you!" It was at that moment that she heard her cell phone ringing from her room. She went to go pick it up.

"Hello?.. Oh, hello Boss~Sama!... What?.. Oh my Irene, that's terrible!... Are you sure? Kawaii~Chan could still help!... If you insist, Boss~Sama... Okay, have a good day!"

Kawaii~Chan hung up and looked at me, and then over at Zane, and then back at me again. "The power went out at the Maid Cafe... Kawaii~Chan doesn't have to go in today..." She looked over at Zane again, and then down at herself. "Kawaii~Chan... Is going to get dressed.." She smiled awkwardly and hurriedly walked backwards into her room.

Zane still stood in shock and in awe at the girl who was just on top of him. He was blushing still, probably even redder than before. I laughed.

"Cute things..." I teased, and he turned to me and glared, and let me tell you, if looks could kill, I'd be on the floor right about now. I burst out laughing and ran into my room, shutting my door and leaving him out there to pick up his ponies. I sighed and sat down the cupcakes as I heard him outside, muttering.

"Stupid girl... Woman... Thing"


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