15: Reunited

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Zane was furious. He had promised her two minutes. Two minutes was all it would take to answer his phone call from Aaron. Two minutes and he would be back in the living room watching TV with her. And two minutes was all it took to get him furious... He had never been this mad before.

He was glad he left the room.

"The police are here as we speak. They're trying to keep it very quiet, as there are customers here. They know this was out of our control. Thank Irene too, because we don't need all this craziness on opening day."

"Is Aphmau okay?" Zane started. And then, quieter, he said, "Where's KC's Dad?"

"She's icing her cheek. He's lucky he didn't hit any higher, or he would have hit her eye. Actually, he's already lucky I didn't break his arm for hurting her..."

"I could say the same"  Zane said under his breath.

"The police were surprised when I said we weren't going to press charges... But we are banning him from the restaurant."

"You should have pressed charges."

"Not to Kc's family.."

"That man is NOT her family."

The line fell silent.

"Aph didn't want to."


"...Fine." Zane finally said. "I'm going to get going. Text me when he's gone. Kawaii~Chan felt bad about just leaving so suddenly."

"I will. Tell her that she doesn't have to, though. We know she's going through a lot. We're there for her." Then, He paused. "You're there for her."

Zane replied, "Go be with Aphmau." And then hung up, punching the wall furiously. He fell to the floor, running his fingers through his hair.

He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to be reminded. He didn't... Something. He couldn't even understand himself or his thoughts at that moment, which made him even angrier.

"Irene," He he thought. "What am I doing?"

"Zane~Kun, are you okay?" Kawaii~Chan said, slipping into the room. "I heard a loud noise..." Zane leaned his head against the wall, sighing.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine, Zane~kun. Is everything okay?"

He looked up at her, saying nothing. He sighed and looked at the floor again, patting the spot next to him. She sat down. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, hopefully.

"I don't know if you want to know."

He hoped that would get her off his case.

"Zane," she put her hand on his knee. "Just tell me."

It didn't work. 

He didn't want to be the one to tell her.

"Umm," He started. "Your father... He-"

Her phone started ringing.

Thank Irene.

"Continue." She said. "Whoever it is can wait."

Irene, why.

"Don't you, umm, want to see who it is first?"

She sighed, shaking her head and grabbing her phone. 

Thank Irene.

"Aaron~Kun," The display name said.

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