8: She

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 "Wha?" Zane asked, puzzled. Kawaii~Chan just sniffled, staring at the necklace with swollen red eyes. "What was she like?

The Meif'wa took a moment before speaking. "She was... Amazing," She softly spoke. Kawaii~Chan tensed and squeezed her eyes shut tight before she finished her sentence. "From what I'd heard."

"What?" Zane asked, "What you heard? Don't you know your mother?" Zane immediately regretted what he had said, watching the girl twitch and cringe. "Agh, shoot, Kawaii~Chan, I'm so sorry, I- I shouldn't have ask-" He was cut off by Kawaii~Chan placing a shaking hand on his knee. She looked up at him and tried to smile through her teary eyes. Zane blushed, looking down at the floor. Kawaii~chan took her hand away and sighed.

"Kawaii~Chan is the youngest of twelve," she started, "And Kawaii~Chan is the runt." She breathed in like she was about to go on, but stopped herself. "We should probably start a little sooner."

"Kawaii~Chan, you don't have to tell me this," Zane started,"From the way you're sounding, you haven't told this story to anyone before, and I wouldn't want you to tell me this just because I'm here, I'm available. You should tell someone who knows you better, like Katelyn or Aphmau, who you've lived with for a while, not just a dumb nugget like me."

Though, instead of responding, Kawaii~Chan continued.

"Kawaii~Chan's mother grew up in Japan. She lived there a large portion of her life. Though, for one reason or another, she decided to move to the US to teach Japanese to American children. After struggling for a bit, she landed a job teaching at a middle school a couple of towns over. Kawaii~Chan doesn't know the details, but soon enough, she met Kawaii~Chan's father, got married, and had Kawaii~Chan's brothers..." She paused, "Everything was fine until Kawaii~Chan came along..."

"What do you mean?" Zane asked.

"Meif'wa are very traditional people. We have our own customs and ways of doing things. We have large families... we... have births at home... And Kawaii~Chan was breech. Kawaii~Chan's mother... Didn't make it."

"Kawaii~Chan... I'm so sorry," Zane said. The broken girl hugged her knees close and shut her eyes tight. Zane moved closer to her, taking her hand and giving it a tight squeeze Kawaii~~chan squeezed her eyes tight as tears made their way out of them.

"Kawaii~Chan's father... blamed her for her mother's death. He was distraught. He would yell and scream... And sometimes... He would even" she paused, gulping. "Hit... Kawaii~Chan." She sniffled.

Zane was shocked. Hit her? How could anyone be so cruel as to hit her? And blaming her for her mother's death... She didn't deserve this.

"Kawaii~Chan... Has been through a lot. She's sorry for... pinning her problems on you, Zane~Kun." Then, Zane had a realization.

"Oh my Irene," He spoke, beginning to freak out, letting go of Kawaii~Chan's hand to run his fingers through his hair. He remembered the night of the flood, he remembered grabbing Kawaii~Chan's name, the look of terror in her eyes... "The cupcake! Oh my Irene, Kawaii~Chan, I'm so sorry, I should never have-"

Kawaii~Chan cut him off, grabbing his hand and squeezing it again.

"Zane~Kun, you didn't kno-"

"That doesn't make it any better!" Kawaii~Chan looked up at him, shocked. He stared at the ground. "I never should have. I'm so, so sorry." The two sat together for a moment, neither knowing what to say. After a bit, Kawaii~Chan got up.

"Kawaii~Chan?" Zane asked as he watched her grab something from a box she had already packed. She sat back next to him, handing him a framed picture.

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