14: Emergency

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"Aphmau," Zane started,  "I'm so sorry that this had to happen, especially toda-"

"Zane, you don't need to apologize,  It's fine, really." Aphmau replied, giving Zane a concerned smile. "Is Kawaii~Chan okay?"

"She's... Better than before,, at least. She's in the break room."

"Why don't you take her home? Help her relax. She shouldn't be working in this mental state, and I really don't want her to be alone right now." Aphmau then added, "You're the only one who really knows what's  going on. I wish I could help more..."

"Even if you knew, I wouldn't let you leave. This is your cafe. It wouldn't feel right if you weren't here on opening day." Aphmau glanced down, furrowing her brows, unsatisfied with his response. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and added, "I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready." 

Aphmau smiled. "I hope so," Then, a couple and their kids walked into the cafe, and a young boy gasped over all of the beautiful decorations, as well as the waiter's uniforms.

"I didn't know guys could be so cute!"

Aphmau laughed at the boys actions, then gabbed a few menus from the counter next to her. "I have to tend to these customers," She said, smiling. "Take her home, please." 

"I will." Zane said, smiling at the family as they were seated, the boy gawking over the beautiful maid outfit Aphmau was wearing, Though, he seemed to be more interested in the handiwork of the outfit than Aphmau herself. Zane chuckled as he walked into the break room. Kawaii~Chan was sitting in a ball on the couch, in a position where she could see out the window at her father, but he couldn't see her. She didn't notice Zane enter the room as she mumbled to herself.

"Will he ever give up?" She squeezed her knees tight to her chest. Zane sat down next to her and she jumped slightly, tensing, but calmed down when she looked over at Zane.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at her, concern clearly evident in his voice. She shrugged, looking outside again. Zane sighed and took her chin softly in his hand, turning her head away from the window. "Stop it," He said, looking into her eyes. "I don't like to see you upset. Just... Don't think about it. For me." 

Kawaii~Chan smiled, a blush slightly evident on her cheeks. She pulled away and looked down at the floor, shifting her position so she was sitting cross legged. "What did Aphmau say?" She asked. 

"She told me to take you home. And that's what I'm going to do."

Kawaii~Chan shook her head, grimacing. "No, no, no, I can't go home!" She said, getting up and pacing. Her ears drooped. "We can't leave Aphmau here to run the cafe alone, we can't just leave in the middle of the day, we ca't leave him out there!" She said, pointing to the window. Zane got up and shut the curtain, making sure she couldn't look at her father any more. 

"What if he sees us leaving? What if he decides to follow us? He can't know where I live, what if he gets angry again and tries to-"

And suddenly, Kawaii~Chan was wrapped in a bear hug. 

"You don't have to worry about any of that. I won't let it happen." He rested his head in the crook of her neck, squeezing her tightly. 

"I promise."


Zane had taken Kawaii~Chan to his house instead of her own, in hopes of easing her mind about being followed. He already had made a plan with Aphmau in regards to Kawaii~chan's father, which thankfully let her rest. They had stopped at a store on the way home, picking up the necessary ingredients for cupcakes, (Zane, Garroth, and Laurance rarely baked, so naturally they didn't have the stuff needed,) as well as buying Kawaii~Chan a new outfit so she wouldn't be stuck wearing her maid outfit all night. They had bought a skirt and a fluffy light pink sweater, which cost Zane thirty bucks, but the smile that rested on her face when she touched the fluffy fabric for the first time was well worth it. He figured their little shopping trip would distract her mind for a bit, and it did, and it made him smile to see her contently curled in a ball, resting in the passenger seat of his car.

"Zane~Kun?" she softly spoke, looking out the car window as she watched the world pass them.


"Thank you." 


"Excuse me, sir, but this is an employees only area. May I help you?" Aphmau said to the scruffy man in front of her, holding a bag of trash in her hands. She was bringing it to the dumpsters. The man scoffed.

"I'm waiting for my daughter. She said she would meet me here. You," He grunted, eyeing her. "Were there, I believe. You were the one who told me to come out here." He glared at Aphmau. "If I'm not mistaken."

Aphmau smiled. He had let himself out here, she had never suggested he wait here herself. "I'm sorry sir, but I don't recall such an event. You're going to have to come inside, I'm afraid."

The  man glared at her. "I have been waiting out here for a half hour. I will not be told what to do, especially by a woman." He took a step towards Aphmau. "If I go back inside, It is to go into that kitchen and retrieve my daughter for myself. Do I make myself clear?" 

"I'm sorry, sir, but there are no customers allowed in the kitchen. If you do not head back inside yourself, I will be forced to-"

Then, he slapped her. 

A loud sound was heard, and Aphmau yelped in surprise. Her cheek started to sting, and she dropped the bag of garbage she held, bringing her hand up to it gingerly. She took a step back as the man stepped forward, heading inside. The door opened. 

"Aph, are you okay?" Aaron said, a look of concern in his eyes. "I heard a scream and-" 

Then he saw the man in front of him, and Aphmau's red cheek. The man  tried to get past him, through the door. Aaron scowled.

"What do you think you're doing..." He said through gritted teeth. The meif'wa smiled.

"Just trying to find my cat that ran away... This pesky brat was in my way." 

Aaron's eyes turned. 

He was about to pounce when he heard Aphmau's voice, calling his name. Her eyes were shut- her cheek was swollen enough that she couldn't open her left eye, but she kept her right one shut on her own- she didn't want to see what he was going to do. Her voice calmed him. His eyes changed back.  

"You're trying to find your cat," he spoke through gritted teeth. "By slapping my girlfriend?" 

"I'll do the same to you if you don't get out of my way."

He swung a punch. Aaron dodged it. He grabbed his wrist and turned him around, putting the man in an arm lock. The man struggled, but Aaron was clearly stronger than him. Now that he was closer, he could tell that the man smelled heavily of alcohol. He scowled. 

"Laurance!" Aaron yelled, kicking open the door that led into the kitchen. "Call the police!"


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