16: Run

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"Table six! Blueberry cobbler!" 

"And table two, bagel with strawberry cream cheese!"

The cafe had been so full of life since the boys had been hired, Aphmau enjoying the work the three had done on their opening day. There was a clear bond between the siblings, one that brought warmth to the establishment and made customers feel welcome the moment they walked in.

"Hello Mr Johnson!" Reo would say as he welcomed the elderly man for his breakfast, which he ate at the cafe regularly every Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday. "Here's your table, in the back and next to a window, so you can see all the bustle of the cafe while getting the natural light. Just the way you prefer it. Now, what will you be having today?"

"Aah, yes," he would say, sitting and opening his newspaper. "I'll have the omelet, the mushroom one, and a black coffee." The man spoke, Reo scribbling notes on his notepad. "But don't bring out the coffee first, bring it out with the food. And bring out water first." 

Reo nodded, asking, "And what type of toast?"

"Rye. On the side. And not just on a separate side than the eggs, on a separate plate."

"And your hash?"

"Did I say anything about hash?"

And it was that way three times a week. Now, to most dealing with this elderly man would be a drag, something that other servers would dread doing, and although a bit of a tedious task Reo sincerely enjoyed talking to the man. He would often sit with the man and talk about anything under the sun and beyond that while he ate, always drawing the old man back to the cafe. And the man's orders, although annoying to deal with at first, was something that Reo got used to, no matter what he ordered, he got something on the side and his drink came with the meal. Though even though Reo knew what was coming, he still let the customer speak. That was how things worked around the cafe.

"Table seven!" Kawaii~Chan called to Zane, putting a slice of strawberry cheesecake on the counter. "And table three!" Apple pie, this time. Zane smiled as he slid his notepad into his pocket and taking the food off the counter. The two shared a smile, and Zane, with a burst of confidence, turned and said,

"Have I, umm, ever told you how cute you look in that dress?"

Kawaii~Chan, flustered, shook her head as she blushed madly.

Zane looked as if he wanted to say something else, but instead tensed and turned to bring the food to their tables, hiding his blush in his mask as he bumped into Haru. His eyes grew large as he saw the tall boy, bolting out of the kitchen.

"What was that about?" He asked Kawaii~Chan, who turned away to continue preparing the cake she was baking. 


The teasing and fun lasted every day, bringing warmth to the cafe. Not only did customers enjoy spending their time there, but the group had fun working there, teasing each other and messing around. This caused them to become insanely close, caring for each other like family. 

Kawaii~Chan yawned as she placed the last dish in the dishwasher, closing it and taking off her apron. She wiped her hands and forehead, grabbing her jacket.

"Aphmau~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan is heading home!"

"Okay Kawaii~Chan! Are you walking?"

"Yeah, it's so pretty tonight! Kawaii~Chan will see you tomorrow for the morning shift!" Kawaii~Chan said, reaching for the handle when Haru interjected. 

"No, you can't walk home at night! It's dark out! What if something happens to you?" He grabbed his sister and squeezed her in a hug. "I just got you back, I can't lose you again!"

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