5: Agony

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"Lucinda and Laurance?"

"Uhuh! Kawaii~Chan was texting Lucinda~Chan before the power went out, she said that she had Laurance~Kun over to help her with a potion that required an extra set of hands."

"Ughhhhh" A voice sounded from a small corner in the room. Zane was huddled in a ball on his phone, the brightness down on the lowest setting. 

"Why did Lucinda ask Laurance of all people?"

"Kawaii~Chan doesn't know, she didn't say. But Lucinda~Chan texted me a bit ago saying they were both trapped inside, so that should be eventful!"

"Uggghhhhhhh," Zane drew out his sighs, clearly annoyed by the sounds of the ladies' gossiping.

"Awe yeah Lucy, get it!" Aphmau punched the air, clearly excited over the news.

"Kawaii~Chan ships it!!" The pink haired girl's hair bounced up and down as she did, even more excited than Aphmau.

"UUUUGGGGGHHHHH" Zane spoke, louder and longer this time, desperate to not be forgotten in the corner. Aphmau turned to him, almost as annoyed as he was.

"Zane, I get that you don't wanna come over here and gossip with us, but you don't have to be a jerk about it."

"Yeah," Kawaii~Chan agreed, "and isn't your phone going to die soon? Don't you want to save the battery, Zane~Kun?"

"What I do with my phone is none of your business, missy."

"Hmph," Kawaii~Chan turned and leaned against the wall, knees pressed against her chest. She fiddled with something in her hands. "What do you two even do, anyways? The only thing you have in common is ponies! Kawaii~Chan doesn't even see how you could be friends!"

There was an awkward silence that blanketed the room. No one wanted to leave the conversation at that, but no one knew what to say. Aphmau sighed.

"I guess we just... Like each other's company. It's hard to explain." They sat in silence for a bit, tension building in the air. No one knew what to say or do next, and so the trio sat, listening to the rain. Then, the light coming from the corner dimmed, until it was completely gone.

"Dangit! My phone died!"

Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan laughed, and Zane fumed.


"Zane, we told you ages ago to save your battery, but you wouldn't listen! This," she gestured to Zane's phone, which he had tossed to the ground. "Is your punishment."

"UGH" Zane threw himself to the ground in agony. "Now what are we supposed to do..." He said, muffled.

"Ooh!" Kawaii~Chan clapped as she jumped up. She dropped whatever it was in her hands, but she didn't notice. "Why don't we play truth or dare?"

"NO" Zane snapped at her. "We are NOT becoming the cliche. At least not while I'm here."

"Besides," Aphmau started, "we don't really have enough people to play."

"Then what do we do now, Aphmau~Senpai?"

"I dunno." She replied, then laid down on the sleeping bags and stared at the ceiling for a while.


The next couple of hours were spent that way, in silence, no one knowing what to say or do at that time. The rain kept pouring, patting on the roof, making the silence comfortable instead of awkward. One thing was for sure though, the trio was awestruck by the immense chaos occurring outside. The streets were becoming a river due to the copious water pouring from the sky, trees were being uprooted from the ground, houses were being flooded. The basement of their house was flooded now, with no hope of saving it, (Kawaii~Chan had cleared out her shipping shrine as soon as she saw the first drop of water) and now even the main floor was getting water, forcing the group to migrate upstairs to Aphmau's room. The three did all they could to block the water, but there was no hope. The house was completely flooded.

"Aphmau~Senpai, Do you think Katelyn~Sama is okay?" Kawaii~Chan, who was sitting by the window, asked. "Kawaii~Chan knows that the guys' house doesn't have a second floor, so Kawaii~Chan can't help but worry."

"Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn will be fine. I texted her, and I'm sure she'll reply soon. Don't worry."

Aphmau sat down on her bed, cuddling her plush husky. She looked down at Zane and chuckled. He was curled up asleep in the pink sleeping bags, with disheveled hair and his mask around his neck, it had fallen off in his slumber. Kawaii~chan looked over as she heard Aph laugh, and blushed, then she bounded over, curious.

"I didn't know Zane~Kun had freckles."

Aphmau turned and sat up on the edge of her bed. "He likes to hide them. Doesn't like how they make him look."

Kawaii~Chan crouched down in front of him, her face just inches from his. Aphmau smiled knowingly.

"What are you thinking?"

Kawaii~Chan blushed and sat down, not replying. Though, under her breath, she spoke to herself, barely audible.

"Cute. He looks cute."


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