11: Damaged

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"Two weeks?!"

"Yup," The jeweler proclaimed. "We need to do all of those alterations you requested, and we also have a waiting list. I still don't see why you won't let me take it off your hands..."

"It's not for sale." Zane grumbled.

"And I don't see why not. It's an antique, worth about 15 thousand, I'd say. Even with the break. If it were in perfect condition, I'd say it'd be double that. As I said, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. My offer still stands."

"I'm paying for you to fix it. Not for you to try and buy it off of me." Zane growled. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Okay, okay, geez. It'll still be two weeks," The jeweler said, to which Zane scowled.

"Is it possible to get it done by tomorrow?" The jeweler scoffed.

"Well, for the right price, maybe." The two men eyed each other, as if preparing for a duel.

"Five hundred." Zane suggested.

"Ha!" The jeweler laughed. "Five thousand!"

"A thousand!"

"Ten thousand!" The man said, going up instead of down. Zane sighed.

"Look... How about three thousand five hundred?" The jeweler took a moment to think about his offer.

"Two days, then."

"Deal" Zane smiled, shaking the man's hand.


Zane pulled out his phone as he walked out of the jewelry store, checking his notifications. While he was in there, Aphmau had texted him, with news about the maid cafe she and Kawaii~Chan were opening. Zane was helping with the planning, as Aphmau couldn't do it all by herself. (She had Aaron, of course, but Zane didn't count him.) Aphmau had sent Zane the logo for the cafe that she had commissioned, and Zane immediately smiled and blushed. It was an adorable drawing of Kawaii~Chan- And it was soon going to be hanging on a sign above the cafe for all to see. Then he imagined what Kawaii~Chan might look like in her maid's outfit and shook his head, dismissing the thought immediately. He sent back a quick "Look's great!" and went on his way.

When he made it home, Zane didn't even bother talking to Garroth or Laurance who were watching TV in their living room, instead he went right upstairs and into his room. He tossed his keys onto his desk and flopped down onto his bed, stretching in the same way Kawaii~Chan had a week ago when she helped him move in. He rested for a moment, just laying there in a very peaceful state of mind, when he turned his head and opened his eyes, finding himself staring straight at his closet, the door slightly ajar. Zane shut his eyes, groaning and pushing himself up off the bed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Zane groaned, walking over and pushing the closet open, grabbing a box that was hidden in the back and bringing it to the center. Right on top, as if trying to make it's way out of the box, was the limited edition Pinkie Cake. He picked it up carefully, remembering Kawaii~Chan holding it, her delicate hands grasping the pink porcelain. Zane sighed, walking out of the closet and shutting the door. Then, he reached up and placed the pony on his shelf, in the exact place Kawaii~Chan had, adjusting it to try to get it as exact as possible. He fumbled with it for a while, being unable to get it just right, finally giving up and deciding he had to get Kawaii~Chan back here to arrange it and all the other ones in his closet. When he finished, he walked back to the other end of the room, shut the curtains, and hopped back on his bed. He wrapped himself in a blanket cocoon, enjoying the blanket's warmth, and grabbed his laptop, being fully prepared to scroll through Tumblr for an indefinite amount of time.


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