[Chapter 1] Sohinki's My Neighbor?

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  • Dedicated to All Of The Readers Who Wanted This Prequel =D

Author's Note: I feel bad =( You guys seemed to really want this prequel and I have a feeling that it's going to be no good. But I'm still going write this story, even if it sucks. Anyways, please tell me what you think and thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

-Rachael's POV-

As I watched my younger sister cross the graduation stage, I couldn't help but be ecstatic. My little sister was graduating, first of all. And secondly, she and I were leaving for our new apartment in California that night after the party my parents were hosting. I actually had already lived in there for a year, but it was time for Nat to come live with me and for us to continue Nachael, our YouTube channel normally, where we aren't all the way across the country from each other.

I remember when I first moved to California, I had just graduated myself and I was a mess.

Flashback (And will be for the next few chapters)

I was carrying the last few heavy boxes from my car up the three flight of steps I had to take to get to my apartment. I drove all the way to California from New York and it took forever. I dropped the boxes down in the hallway and heaved a sigh; I'd gone up and down those stairs at least ten times already and I was exhausted.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask me.

I looked to my left and saw someone approach me. I had to get a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Was that Sohinki? From Smosh Games?

He chuckled, "You must be the new neighbor." He stuck out his hand for a handshake, "I'm Matt. But you can call me Sohinki." Yep, I thought to myself, That's him.

I laughed nervously, grasped his hand, and returned the gesture, "I'm Rachael."

"Do you need help with that?" He inquired, pointing down to the flimsy cardboard boxes by my feet.

"Uh...no, I'm good. Thanks though."

"Are you sure?" He asked, "You look like you could use a break."

I scratched behind my head, "Sure. I guess I could use the help."

He and I picked up the boxes and lugged them into my opened apartment. He set the box down and heaved a sigh, "Well it's nice to meet you, Rachael. But I've got to get going." I nodded my head in understanding. "If you need my help, I'm right down the hallway. Apartment 36."

"Alright, thanks," I replied as I waved him goodbye. He walked out and I closed the door behind him. Once he left, I started to have a silent freak out moment. I was living next door to Sohinki! I needed to tell my sister. She and I have been huge fans of Smosh and all of their related channels since they started.

I pulled out my phone and called my sister, Natalie. She usually never had her phone on, but she promised she would keep it on so we could keep in contact. She picked up before the last ring, "Whaaat?" She whined through the speaker, "It's ten o'clock at night here and I'm exhausted, Rach."

"You will not believe who I saw today," I told her excitedly, ignoring her comment.

"Miley Cyrus," She blurted out.

"Eww, no," I laughed, "Guess again." There was only silence on her end of the line. I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to answer, "I saw Sohinki! From Smosh Games!"

"No, I thought you meant the other Sohinki," She moodily retorted. I dropped my shoulders and rolled my eyes. "So you saw him? Where?" She went on to ask.

"He's my new neighbor."

"You're kidding me!" She shouted in disbelief, "He's seriously your neighbor?"

"Yes! It's...it's unbelievable!" I exclaimed, "He even offered to help me bring my boxes into my apartment!" In the background, I could hear my mother yell at my sister to hang up. She tried to convince her, saying it was me, but that didn't change a thing. We said our goodbyes and off I was to unpacking what little I had. Luckily the apartment came with the basic furniture (a twin bed in each bedroom, a couch and coffee table in the living room, and a small dining table to eat at). I got settled in in about a week, and in that week, I bumped into another person I thought I'd never see.

-Anthony's POV-

Ian and I were meeting up with Sohinki today just because. While we played video games and just hung out, he told us that he has a new neighbor. And she seemed really nice and that her name was Rachael. He said he'd introduce us, but she was out at the moment. Unfortunately, we didn't get to meet her. Properly that is.

While Ian and I were leaving, we passed this girl who had her earbuds in, and in her hands was her mail which she was reading. She bumped into us and dropped everything, including her iPhone. It started to blast her music full volume. I didn't know what it was at first, but I eventually recognized the tune - it was our Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 Song. She had a scared look on her face as her cheeks grew pink.

"I'm...I'm so sorry," She stuttered as she bent down and started picking up her scattered things, beginning with turning off her phone. I bent down and started helping too.

"So, you like Smosh?" I tried to ask her as I handed her the pile of mail I collected.

She just took her mail and smiled before rushing past us. I rose to my feet and looked at Ian. He had a smirk on his face.

"'So you like Smosh?'" Ian jeered. I glared at him as he burst into laughter. I slapped him in the face. "Ouch!" He smacked me in the arm in return.

"Do you think she knew who we were?" I questioned as we made our way to his car.

Again, he mocked me, "'Do you think she knew who we were?' Of course she did, dumbass! I mean, she was listening to our song, Anthony. And did you see how red her face got when she saw us!?!"

"Fine." I remarked, getting in the passenger's side of the vehicle, "You know what? I think I've seen her before too, but I can't put a name to her face."

"Me too," Ian agreed as he started the car up and we were off to my house.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now