[Chapter 5] 'See-You-Soon' Party

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-Ian's POV-

"I'm really sorry," I apologized as Melanie unlocked her front door.

"It's okay, Ian," She retorted, pushing the door open and walking inside, turning on the lights that illuminated her living room, "Maybe next time."

"I feel terrible," I added.

She smirked, "Don't. You live a crazy YouTube life and have to do all sorts of things at all sorts of times. I get it."

I sighed before giving her a kiss goodbye, "I'll call you tomorrow, alright?" She nodded her head as I kissed her one last time and went to go leave for my place, where Anthony claimed Rachael and Natalie from Nachael are waiting for me.

As I drove, I felt like shit. Melanie and I had been postponing this date for months, and the one night I'm finally free, I have to leave during the date to go see some people who I could see any other day. I didn't even tell Melanie it was to meet Natalie. I told her it was because I forgot Anthony and I had to do a shoot late at night. But how was I supposed to tell her I'm leaving our date to meet some other girl? I just couldn't.

I pulled into the driveway and saw Anthony waiting by the door. I got out and approached him, "Thanks to you, Melanie and I have to reschedule again," I growled at him.

"That's great," He replied monotonously as he guided me inside to where two people sat on our couch. They stood up when they saw me, "Ian? This is Rachael, as you already know, and her sister, Natalie!"

Natalie smiled widely before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell back on the couch, passed out.

"Oh my god!" Rachael exclaimed as she sat next to her sister and tried to get her conscious again.

"Is she alright?" I whispered into Anthony's ear. He shrugged his shoulders, "Should I call 911 or something?" I asked aloud.

"No, she's good," Rachael retorted as Natalie's eyes fluttered open.

She laughed, "Oh my god, Rach, for a second there, I thought I saw Ian standing in front of me."

Rachael chuckled slightly, "That's because you did, Nat." Natalie looked up at me and almost passed out again, but Rachael snapped her back into reality.

"It's nice to meet you, Natalie," I remarked as I stuck my hand out for a handshake. She nervously returned the gesture, "I love you and your sister's videos. My favorites are the 'Slo-Mo Saturday' episodes."

"Yeah, those are my favorite too," Natalie stated as she pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear and averted his gaze away from me. The rest of the night, we kind of just talked, like when Rachael first moved here. We even agreed to try to do a collaboration vlog or video before Natalie had to leave, and if we couldn't do it then, when she moved here this summer after her graduation.

This sounds awful, but I forgot about Melanie that night. And how bad I felt for leaving her again. But talking to Natalie and Rachael and Anthony made me forget about it. And this is going to sound even worse, but I think I might like Natalie. She's funny, cute, and I think she likes me too. I mean, she fainted when she saw me. And that can't be a bad thing, right?

"You know what we should do? We should have a party. So Natalie can meet everyone before she leaves!" Anthony suggested out of the blue, "We can invite all of the YouTubers we know and any one else she might want to meet and have this huge 'see-you-soon' party!" Or so he liked to call it.

"I think that's a good idea," Rachael agreed.

"Yeah," I added, "Sounds good."

"What about you, Natalie? You think that would be cool?" Anthony questioned.

"Yeah," She replied with a smile, "That sounds amazing!"

"Awesome," Anthony looked over at me, grinning wide. I couldn't help but smile too.

-Joey's POV-

I've been busy and it's been a few days since I went to the post office. The people there always get mad at me because my P.O. Box is usually overflowing with mail from my fans, "Hey, Mary!" I greeted in a friendly manner, "I'm here to pick up my mail today."

She smirked, "It's a good thing. You were this close to getting your mail thrown in the trash." She remarked playfully before going into the back room to get the box of fan mail. When she returned, she had the normal boxes, but also a letter.

"This is also for you," She told me as she handed me the envelope. I took the envelope in my hands, as well as my two heavy boxes of letters and gifts, and made my way out. After I put the two boxes in my back seat, I looked at the letter. And the address in the top left corner said it was from Ian and Anthony.

"Why would they be sending me a letter?" I asked myself as I slid my finger under the lid of the envelope and pulled out a party invitation.

-Toby's POV-

I had just come back from my walk with Gryphon at the same time the mailman pulled up to my mailbox. I ran up to the side of the truck they sat in and greeted, "Hey there!"

"Oh, hey, Toby!" They replied cheerfully, handing me a handful of letters which were most likely all bills, "Here you go."

"Thanks," I said as they drove away. I walked up the stairs of my porch to where Gryphon waited for me to open the door, his tail wagging as he looked up at me. I opened the door and let him in. As I walked into the kitchen, I shuffled through the mail. And I was right, most of them were bills. But there was one letter from Anthony and Ian. I rose my eyebrow in confusion as I opened the envelope. Gryphon began circling my feet and barking at me.

I ignored him as I read the invite:

Hey Toby!

We're hoping you could come to our house this Friday to have a "See-You-Soon" party for Natalie from Nachael. She's only going to be here for a few more days and we want you to meet her and her to meet you before she has to leave. It's a "See-You-Soon" party because she's leaving this weekend and won't be moving here until this summer. So, if you can come, just show up. No RSVP needed. Hope to see you there!

-Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla

I looked at the letter for the longest time. Since when was Natalie from Nachael was here? I mean, I thought only Rachael lived here.

I shrugged my shoulders and set the invite down. I don't see why I couldn't go. I had nothing to do this Friday but play video games, so why not?

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now