[Chapter 12] Here We Go

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-Kalel's POV-

I was so happy that Anthony proposed to me. It was so unexpected, I couldn't help but think it was all a joke. But he was serious. He slipping that ring on my finger was the cherry on top of the sundae of our trip to Japan.

When I returned, I had to tell everyone the news. My friends. My family. Everyone. But there was one person who never seemed to be around when I wanted to tell them that I was getting married, and that was Joey.

It had been weeks since I returned, and he never responded to any of my text messages. Whenever I called him, I was sent immediately to voice mail, and he never returned any my calls. Whenever I stopped by his house, he was never home. I was starting to think he was ignoring me.

"Hey, Anthony?" I remarked, turning my head to see him sitting at the other end of the couch, on his laptop, eyes glued to the screen.

"Yeah?" He replied, not even looking up at me.

"Is it just me or do you think that Joey hates me?" I inquired in all seriousness. Joey was one of my best friends and it was unlike him to act like this.

"He's probably just busy," He mumbled under his breath, leaning forward and squinting his eyes as he scanned the laptop screen.

I started tapping my foot nervously and biting my nails, thinking of all the things I could've done to upset him.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Anthony suggested, briefly looking up at me before returning his attention to whatever he was doing.

"I already tried," I retorted, "Every time I try, he's never there."

"Well, he's working on a collaboration video with Sawyer right now," He added, spinning his laptop around to show me his Twitter feed and Joey's tweet. "So why don't you try Sawyer's place?"

I lit up and practically jumped at Anthony, pulling him into a hug, "You're the best," I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before running out the door.

-Anthony's POV-

I watched as Kalel raced out of the house. That's when I closed my laptop and jumped to my feet, picking up my keys and going out myself.

Today I had made plans to go to the beach with Ian, Rachael, and Natalie. The excuse I had told Kalel was we would be filming a video together. I knew if I told her I was just hanging out with them, especially Rachael, she would flip out. Sure, I might be gone longer than she would be at Sawyer's, but I can just tell her Ian called me and needed help with something.

As I drove to Ian's place, I couldn't help but be a little nervous. I haven't talked to Rachael since Kalel and I returned and I went to go talk to her. And the last time we talked, she didn't seem too excited to see me. In fact, it was Natalie who actually agreed to this, saying she'd tell Rachael the plans.

I pulled into Ian's driveway. He was waiting outside, sitting on the porch steps with his head in his lap. I honked the car horn and he jumped. He gathered all of his belongings and ran up to the car, shoving the oversized umbrella, towels, and a tote bag (probably Melanie's) into the back of my car. He hopped in the passenger's side and looked over at me, a wide smile on his face, "Are you ready?" He questioned.

I nodded my head and started the car up again, backing out of his driveway and heading towards Rachael and Natalie's apartment.

We got there just as Rachael and Natalie walked out of the apartment building, both carrying bags in both arms. I could see the bikini Rachael was wearing through her loose fitting white tank top. I smirked as she walked up to the car, bending down so she could see me over her sunglasses. "Hey, Anthony," She greeted.

"Hey, Rach," I replied as I felt my cheeks start to get warmer.

"Hurry up!" Ian exclaimed, "I don't want to get there when it's too crowded!"

Rachael heaved a sigh and threw her stuff into the back, getting in the back seat with Natalie.

"Are we all good?" I checked before setting off for the beach. Everyone nodded their heads yes, "Alright, here we go!"


Rachael and I finished building the sand castle we decided to make just for fun. The sun was setting and the tide was coming in.

"Picture, guys?" Ian asked as he held up his camera. Rachael got up from sitting in the sand and started to walk away.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I rose to my feet, "Don't you want to be in the picture?" She looked back at me and shook her head no. "Why not?"

"I don't like myself in pictures," She answered insecurely, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on, Rach," Natalie butted in, resting her elbow on Ian's shoulder, "You're a freaking YouTuber for crying out loud. You're in pictures and videos every day. What's so different now? Haven't you gotten over that fear?"

"Yeah," I agreed, holding my hand out to her, "Come on. It's just one more picture. To look back on when we're older."

She looked at me skeptically before smiling slightly and gently placing her hand in mine. I wrapped my fingers around hers and guided her back to the sand castle.

She and I stood by the waist-tall castle, my arm wrapped around her shoulder and her arm wrapped around my lower back. Ian snapped the picture and smiled, "Nice."

I glanced down at Rachael as she looked up at me and grinned.


The sun had gone down and we built a fire with two logs across from each other. Rachael and I sat on one while Natalie and Ian sat on the other.

I stared at the glowing embers when Ian rose to his feet and asked Natalie if she wanted to go for a walk. She hesitated at first before rising to her feet and walking into the shadows with him, leaving Rachael and me alone. Perfect for what I wanted to tell her. I turned towards her and cleared my throat. She looked over at me and grinned. I heaved a sigh and began to say, "Rachael, I..."

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now