[Chapter 6] Spin The Bottle (Rewrite of How Adults Have Fun Before WULAS)

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Author's Note: Okay, so obviously this is a rewrite (if you didn't read the title). I made changes all over. I changed some things within Natalie's POV, took out and added to Anthony's, and added a completely different POV. So I hope you enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think! Thanks! -rac06h10ael

-Natalie's POV-

I was waiting as patiently as I could in the front room while Rachael was deciding what to wear to this "See-You-Soon Party" Anthony and Ian were hosting. I thought it was actually really sweet of them to do this for me.

She finally came out a few minutes later, wearing a short-sleeved party dress that was an ivory color on top and gray bottom with a belt around her waist, "Does this look okay?" She inquired, spinning around as if she was a model.

"Yeah, it's fine," I replied. She gave me a quick smile before walking past me and out of the apartment. I rolled my eyes as I followed her out. I don't see why she dressed up like she did. I mean, all I was wearing were a pair of black leggings and the Smosh Friendship Always Wins tank-top I got for my birthday a couple of years ago.

We hopped into her car and were on our way to Anthony and Ian's house. I couldn't help but be excited. I was going to a party where almost all of my favorite YouTubers would be. And they were there to see me and tell me they can't wait until I move here this summer. How many people can say that!?!

We arrived at the party and the house was already full. We walked in and were greeted by Ian and Anthony. Anthony went to hug Rachael, and Ian went to hug me. I did my best not to pass out for the second time.

"For a second there, we thought you guys were going to be no-shows," Anthony remarked with a chuckle. Rachael just smiled. I don't understand how she's been so calm all this time. I mean, I remember when she was back home with us, and she was OBSESSED with Anthony. Same thing when she first moved here. But now when she's around him, she acts like he's just one of her long-time friends.

"Do you want me to introduce you to everybody?" Ian offered. I nodded my yes and he told me to follow him.

I couldn't believe who was there. Everyone from the Smosh Games crew, Bart Baker, Meghan Camarena and her brother David, Joey Graceffa, Stacy(anya), Lisa Schwartz and Shane Dawson, Shanna Malcolm, Benny and Rafi Fine, Tyler Oakley, JennXPenn, Justine Ezarik, Sawyer Hartman, Brittani Louise Taylor, Rhett and Link, Toby Turner, and a few people I have never heard of before were there. Melanie and Kalel were there too. They all seemed so ecstatic to meet me, as was I to meet them. It was sort of overwhelming.

As the night went on, I did a lot of talking and declining alcoholic beverages because I was underage and I didn't really want to drink.

Then, out of the blue, Ian quieted everybody and announced that we should do a classic game of Spin The Bottle. Everyone seemed to love the idea - except me. And I'm sure Rachael would too, if she was thinking straight.

We all sat in a circle around the coffee table and placed an empty beer bottle in the center of it. "Who wants to go first?" Ian inquired. Everyone started shouting out random names, but Anthony's was the loudest.

"I think Natalie should!" He yelled. My eyes widened and I gulped as all attention was directed towards me. Everyone started chanting my name and I finally succumbed to the peer pressure. I leaned forward and grasped the bottle. I heaved a sigh before turning the bottle right.

It spun for a little before slowing down and landing on the one person I did and, at the same time, didn't want it to land on - Ian. Everyone "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed as I blushed insanely. Ian crawled over to me and I closed my eyes as we pressed our lips against each other's. Everyone "aww"ed as he pulled out of the kiss that I wished could last longer.

We played that game for a little longer. But before the game ended, the last turn was Anthony's, and the bottle he spun landed on Ian. That caused an uproar among us, and even a larger uproar when they actually did kiss.

Once the game was over, I talked with a few more people. But it was getting pretty late, and I still had to pack up for tomorrow. I told the people I was talking to that it was nice to meet them, but I needed to leave. As I walked through the crowd, I couldn't seem to find Rachael anywhere. And I'm sure if I left without her, she would kill me.

That's when I bumped into Ian. I allowed a scream to escape my lips before I clamped my hand over my mouth, "I'm so sorry," I mumbled through my hands.

He smirked, "It's okay."

I sighed as I dropped my hands to my sides, "Hey, have you seen Rachael, by chance? I really need to get going and I can't leave without her."

"Why do you need to go? Do you not like hanging out with us?" He asked.

"No, I love hanging out with you guys, I just..."

"The night's still young, Nat," He told me, wrapping his arm around my back and pulling me close to him, "So what's the big rush?"

"But...I...I really need to..."

"How about this? I'll go get you a drink and then we can talk, okay?" Before I could respond, he walked away to get us drinks. I smacked my forehead, now I was never going to leave.

-Toby's POV-

Justine was talking to me, and I chimed in here and there to make her think I was listening, but I wasn't. I was looking all around for Natalie. Ian introduced me to her, but she was taken away before we could even get the chance to talk to each other.

"Toby?" She asked, tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking over at her briefly before going back to scanning the room.

She put her hand that didn't have a drink in it on her hip, "Are you even listening to me?"


She scoffed, "Well, it was nice having a one-sided conversation with you, Toby." And with that, she left me to go mingle with other YouTubers.

"You too," I retorted in a daze. And that's when I saw Natalie. She bumped into Ian. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I watched him wrap his arm around her and then walk away. I pushed my way through the crowd until I got to her. She glanced up at me and grinned.

"Hey, Toby. I haven't seen you all night!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a real shame," I said.

Just then, Ian came back with two drinks in his hands and wrapped his arm around Natalie again. "Hey, let's go find somewhere quiet..." He told her before looking up at me, "Oh, hey Toby."

"Hey, Ian," I greeted as I scratched behind my head.

"Well, me and Nat are going to talk so...see you later," Ian remarked before taking her away from me. So much for trying to talk to her.

-Anthony's POV-

"Thanks for having this party for my sister, Anthony," Rachael said with a smile.

"No problem," I replied. "I just wish she could stay longer, though. You're happier when she's around." She glanced up at me skeptically, "What?"

"How do you know I'm happier?" She questioned.

"Because I've never seen you smile as much as you have tonight," I answered as honestly as I could with how much alcohol I had in my system. She blushed a bright pink color. Just before I was about to compliment her again, her sister, Natalie, approached us.

"Oh my god, Rach, I've been looking for you all night!" She exclaimed as she grabbed Rachael's hand, "I need to get going. I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't want to miss my flight because I'm still packing!"

Rachael sighed and set down her drink, "Okay," She glanced back at me and grinned, "Talk to you later, Anthony."

I waved goodbye to her as she and Natalie made their way for the front door. Just as they were out of sight, Kalel walked up to me and clung to my arm, resting her head on my shoulder, "So this is where you've been hiding." I laughed in response. Hiding. Yeah, I guess you could say that...

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now