[Chapter 17] Upset

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-Anthony's POV-

Blood was everywhere - on Joey's face, on Joey's shirt, on Natalie and Rachael's couch, and on the floor where I slammed him down. I watched as Joey was taken by the EMTs that Sohinki called for. He came in just before I could hurt Joey even more. The two girls followed Joey out to the ambulance, leaving Sohinki and me alone in their apartment.

"What the hell, Anthony? You could've really hurt the poor guy!" Sohinki broke the silence that resided once the calls of the EMTs quieted down and I couldn't hear the wheels of the stretcher anymore.

"That was my intention..." I mumbled under my breath as I looked down at the ground.

"What's happened to you, Anthony? You would never do this to someone before!"

"Well before no one was trying to take Kalel from me!" I argued, crossing my arms over my chest, "I swear, ever since Kalel and I started hanging out he's been trying to break us up. I'm not that bad of a guy, I just...don't like it when other people try to interfere in my relationship. I'm happy with Kalel."

Sohinki smirked, "Are you?"

"What do you mean?" I retorted, confused at what he was trying to get at.

"Oh come on," He laughed, "I heard you talking to Joven a few days ago at Smosh Headquarters right before a GameBang recording. You were ranting on and on about Rachael."

I blushed, "I don't remember that," I lied, scratching behind my neck.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well, that's what I thought I heard. I could've been wrong." He started walking for the door, "Oh, and can you promise me that you will not beat the shit out of that poor guy again? Or any guy in a similar situation?"

I rolled my eyes, "Sure, Sohinki. Whatever makes you happy."

He grinned and walked out, back over to his apartment.

I ran my fingers through my hair and began to pace back and forth. He was right. I was talking to Joven about Rachael. And he's right, again. I like being Kalel, honestly. It's just that...I like being with Rachael...more. I ran out to talk to Sohinki, I started banging on his closed door.

"I don't think he's going to answer if you do that." I looked down the hallway and saw Rachael standing at the opposite end with her arms crossed over her chest.

I retracted my hand to my side and slowly started making my way towards her, "I thought you left with Natalie and that bastard."

She shook her head, "I think we need to have a talk."

I gulped as I continued approaching her, "What about?" I made my way up to her and she looked up at me with her dark blue eyes.

"I get you're upset about Joey seeing Kalel," She started off, "But...I don't understand why you had to hurt him so badly. All he did was receive one of Kalel's calls. If there's anyone you should be mad at, it's her," I stared at her blankly, "I mean, don't hurt her. That's wrong. But..."

"But what?" I cut her off.

She tilted her head down and murmured, "But I don't think you needed to hurt Joey. And..." I noticed that her cheeks grew a bright pink color, "And I just don't understand why you're so upset."

"Because he's stealing my fiance away from me!"

"But...didn't you tell me you loved me?" She questioned softly. I swallowed, "That is unless you were just not thinking that night..." She added sadly.

"No...I..." I tried to convince her, but the words didn't come out.

She bit her lip, "Well, I came back to get a few things and saw you and thought we could talk... so, yeah, I'll be on my way to the hospital to see how Joey's doing after I lock up. Maybe you could come, as long as you don't hurt him again." She added with a slight chuckle. I managed to crack a slight smile.

She walked past me, fumbling with her keys. I turned around and watched as she walked into her apartment. I ran after her and stopped in the doorway, seeing her collecting a few of Joey's things. I rushed in, turned her around, and kissed her.

She pulled away from me, "Anthony, I...you..."

I shook my head and put my index finger up to her lips. "I was thinking straight that night," I told her, "And I meant every word I said."

She blushed, "That's great, Anthony. But we still can't be together." I frowned. "You're getting married to Kalel. And..." She turned around and picked up all of the things I caused her to drop, "You've got to take me to the hospital."

I rose my eyebrow in confusion, "But I thought..."

"Nat took the car," She explained. I nodded my head in understanding as she walked past me, "Now, come on, we don't have all day!"

-Kalel's POV-

I got a call from Natalie saying that Joey's been taken to the hospital. I immediately dropped what I was doing and got in my car, speeding to the hospital. I ran in and up to the desk, "Can you tell me what room Joey Graceffa is in?" I asked, breathless from running in here.

The lady looked up his name and gave me his information on a little post-it note. I thanked her and ran up to the hospital room. He was laying on the bed, his eyes fluttering open and closed as he came in and out of consciousness. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, dropping my bag and rushed up to his bed side. I looked over at the only other person in the room, Natalie. "What happened?"

She heaved a sigh, "Long story short, your call to Joey somehow got put through the TV's speakers and Anthony heard what you said." I flushed of all color. "Anthony got pretty upset and," She motioned to Joey, "That's what happened."

"Oh my god..." I glanced back at Joey, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Doctor's haven't really told us anything yet," She replied, walking up beside me, "But they said he should be okay, once the fix all the broken bones."

I frowned, thinking that I had caused all of this. Just then, Rachael walked through the door with Anthony. I looked back and saw his expression changed immediately as he saw me. "Really?" He screamed.

-Toby's POV-

Melanie explained to me what happened. I couldn't believe what I had done. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to convince myself that this was all a dream. But she reassured me that it wasn't.

"What are we going to do?" I asked her worriedly, "No one can find out about this!"

"I know that," She retorted.

"Then what are we going to do?" I repeated, this time with a little more agitation.

She shrugged her shoulders, "We could just forget about it. Go on with our normal lives. It can be our little secret..."

"Our little secret?" I repeated. Why couldn't we just accept the fact and make something (maybe good) out of it?

She shook her head, "It'd be for the best. And anyways, we were drunk. It meant nothing." Now that just hurts, I thought to myself. Sure, I was hammered, but that doesn't mean that it didn't mean something to me. I've always kind of liked Melanie. She stood up, "Well, I'm going to go make some coffee. I can give you a cup and you could be on your way?"

"S-sure," I stuttered as she grinned and walked out. I heaved a sigh and lay back down.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon