[Chapter 2] Best Friends Now

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Author's Note: Okay, so, I'd like to say that some things in this book won't exactly follow what little I have about the past in the other books. So, please don't correct me and say (whatever) didn't happen, I'm doing it to make this book more interesting, per se. Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy this chapter! -rac06h10ael

-Rachael's POV-

I rushed into my apartment and slammed the door behind me. I could not believe what was happening to me. First I learned my neighbor is Sohinki, and now I ran into two of my idols, Anthony and Ian. Literally. And of course I had to be a clutz and drop all of my stuff, including my phone as it blasted my favorite song of theirs. How embarrassing!

I tried to go to bed after all of this happened (it was sort of late in the night and I had to go job-searching tomorrow because Natalie and I couldn't really continue Nachael when we were thousands of miles away from each other), but I couldn't fall asleep. What happened not even an hour ago kept replaying over and over again in my head.

The next day, after an exhausting day of going to four different interviews, I thought I'd video-chat with my sister, even though it was ten o'clock in the evening and one in the morning there (so she was in her pajamas). I told her how my day was, I asked her how hers was, and then I told her what happened the previous night.

"You're kidding me." She remarked. I shook my head no as I grinned widely, "There's no freaking way Sohinki's your neighbor and you bumped into Smosh! I don't believe you."

"Trust me, it happened," I reassured her, "And I probably made the worst first impression when my phone started blasting Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 Song. And then when Anthony asked if I liked Smosh, I just smiled at him and ran away! They must think I'm a freak or something."

I watched as she laughed at me.

I leaned back in the chair and sighed, "Oh my god, Nat, he looks so much better in person."

She gave me one of her signature death glares. Oh how I missed those here in California. I smirked, "I just don't when I'll see them next. I don't even know what they were doing in the apartment building to start off with," I added.

She heaved a sigh, "Well, just don't do any more stupid things. Okay?" I smiled, "I've got to go. Talk to you later!" And she hung up on the voice chat. I closed my laptop and leaned back in the couch, just as there was a knock on my door. I sat up, who would be knocking on my door at 10:30p.m.?

-Ian's POV-

"Dude, it's seriously ten o'clock and you're going to see her and hope you can become friends with her!?!" I yelled at Anthony as we drove down the highway, "Does Kalel approve of this?"

He sighed, "I didn't tell Kalel."

"So you lied to her."

"I didn't lie to her," He snapped back as he shot me a quick glance before returning his attention to the road, "I told her I was seeing Sohinki with you..." I crossed my arms over my chest, "So I didn't lie to her."

"But you didn't tell her what you really were doing," I reminded him.

He shook his head, "Well I'm sure you didn't tell Melanie either." I rolled my eyes - it was different. I wasn't leaving in the middle of the night to see a girl and become friends with her. I was just dragged along by my best friend.

We pulled up to the apartment building and went inside.

"Anthony, we don't even know her apartment number!" I exclaimed as we rode the elevator to the third floor.

He looked at me in realization, "Oh shit."

"Yeah, so let's just go home."

Before Anthony could respond, the elevator doors slid open and he walked out. He looked to the left and to the right as I joined him. "I guess we're just going to have to knock on all of these doors until we find her," He remarked.

"That's a terrible idea," I retorted.

Nevertheless, we went up to every door and knocked, asking if they were or knew of a Rachael. We went to every door (or so we thought), and ended up asking Sohinki where she lived. And it turned out she lived literally right next door to him. I couldn't believe we didn't go to her door, I swear we already went there. We thanked him and went over.

"Don't you think it's a little late, guys?" Sohinki asked as we walked out.

We ignore him and walked up to her door. After a few knocks, she opened the door, her eyes widening when she saw us.

"It's Rachael, right?" Anthony greeted.

She laughed nervously, "Yeah, uh, you're Smosh right?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Anthony here," I said as I patted his shoulder, "Wanted to make sure you were the Rachael from Nachael Squared. We bumped into you the other day and couldn't think of who you were until today."

She blushed, "I remember that very fondly. So, you guys watch us?"

Anthony smiled widely, "Of course! You and Natalie are like our favorite people to watch!"

"Thanks," She replied, "Uh, do you want to come it?"

"It's late," I retorted, "We should really..."

"Sure!" Anthony cut me off and walked in. I rolled my eyes and followed him in. She closed the door behind me and apologized for the lack of furniture she had and that she didn't have anything to offer us to eat or drink because she just ran out of food. We ended up spending a few good hours there talking to her, and she was just as starstruck as we were, more Anthony than me. I personally liked Natalie better in Nachael Squared. She was just...funnier to me, I guess.

We left around two in the morning, because Rachael had more job interviews to go to tomorrow and she needed to go to sleep. We said our goodbyes, and as we walked down to our car, I couldn't help but notice the smile on Anthony's face.

I laughed, "Are you and her best friends now?" I teased.

He sighed, "I don't know. Maybe."

-Rachael's POV-

As I closed the door behind the two of them, I couldn't help but silently freak out for the second time here in California. Smosh wanted to see me, they were fans of Natalie and me! And Anthony and I seemed to really hit it off (in a friend-kind of way, that is). Ian, he was cool too, but didn't seem as friendly as Anthony was.

I wanted to call Natalie terribly, but I knew she wouldn't be up at an hour like this, so I decided to wait until tomorrow.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now