[Chapter 16] Where Were You?

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-Joey's POV-

After leaving Kalel's place, I couldn't stop thinking about her. The day we had kept replaying itself in my head - the two of us proclaiming our love for each other, the passionate kiss we shared, the fancy dinner we went out to, and going back to her place to watch one of her favorite movies. The night was going perfect, with her falling asleep in my arms. But then he had to show up and ruin it.

"So how did your day with Kalel go?" Sawyer asked as I walked through the front door.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me, "Don't even get me started..."

He smirked, "What happened after you guys left?"

I explained the whole night to him, and asked him what he thinks I should do. But he said that he didn't think he could give me good advice, and that I should ask a girl what I should do. I sighed in frustration and told him I was going to bed.

After sleeping on it, I took into consideration what Sawyer said and decided I would talk to my two new best friends - Rachael and Natalie. I walked up to their apartment door and knocked. It took a little for them to answer, but Natalie soon swung the door open. She smiled, "Hey, Joey. What's going on?"

"I just...I really need to talk," I answered quietly.

"Well, by all means, come on in!" Rachael exclaimed from inside. I walked in and Natalie closed the door behind me. I looked to the left and saw Rachael putting up a new flat screen TV. She glanced over at me and grinned, "What is it you needed to talk about?"

I sat down on the couch and heaved a sigh, "So...you know how I told you about how I have feelings for Kalel?"

"Wait...you like Kalel!?!" Natalie remarked. I looked over at her and nodded yes. She shook her head, "How did I not know about this?"

"Anyways..." I continued uneasily, "She and I spent the day together yesterday and...and it turns out she likes me too."

"That's great!" Rachael retorted as she set down the tools she was using and sat down on the floor across from me.

"No...it's really not," I disagreed. She gave me a look of confusion. "Because Anthony came home and found her and I together. I mean, we were just sitting on the couch, with her asleep in my arms." Natalie grinned slightly, "He yelled at us and...and I told him about her and I, and..."

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm..." I glanced up and saw Anthony walk through the apartment door. He saw me and dropped the pizza box he had in his hands with wings on top to the floor, "I didn't know he was going to be here," He snarled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He just stopped by, Anthony," Natalie told him, "No need to go all haywire on him."

Anthony and I just had a glaring contest before Rachael stood up and picked up the dropped food, "How about we all eat some lunch and then see how this new Google TV works?" She suggested, setting the food on the counter and getting some paper plates out. Natalie nodded her head in agreement and started getting herself some food. I pulled myself up off of the couch and carefully watched Anthony as I got my food. He just glared at me the entire time.

Rachael handed Anthony a plate and told him to have a seat. He gave up on giving me the death stare and did as she said. I sat down at the opposite end of the couch and Natalie sat down in between us, Rachael continuing on working to get the TV in order. The screen turned on for configuration. Rachael squeezed in between Anthony and Natalie as she set the TV up.

Once everything was good, we ended up doing all the works, which basically meant do as muc has we could at the same time. We were watching TV, playing some video games, and searching random things up on Google. A little after we started, Anthony got up and went to the bathroom.

That's when my phone went off and I set down the video game controller. I pulled out my phone and saw Kalel was calling me. I answered the call and put it up to my ear. "Kalel?"

But I didn't hear her response from my phone's speaker, I heard it from the television. All other things went mute. "Hey, Joey. Umm...I was wondering if you could come over. Anthony's out again and I was hoping we could pick up where we left off last night. Maybe even kiss again..."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I heard Anthony scream from behind me. I turned my head to the right just as he punched me square in the nose. I clutched my face and gasped at how much pain I was in. But he didn't stop there - he picked up me up by the front of the shirt and slammed me down on the ground. Rachael shrieked in horror as she attempted to keep Anthony off of me. Natalie bent down to help me but Anthony pushed Rachael and Natalie away and got on top of me, swinging at me time and time again.

"I KNEW YOU AND HER LIED TO ME!" He boomed, continuing to beat me, "I KNEW IT!"

I was almost about to black out when someone pulled Anthony off of me. The last thing I remember before blacking out was Rachael thinking aloud, "How was that connected to the TV?" And Natalie answering, "I don't know." Followed by a few people picking me up and laying me on some taller surface.

-Ian's POV-

I was sitting at the dining table for two, tapping my foot nervously. Melanie told me that she was going to meet me here. But it was getting late, I was on my eighth glass of fancy wine and the waiters were starting to ask me if I wanted to order without her.

Just then, Melanie rushed in and sat down in the chair across from me, "I'm so sorry I came so late," She apologized as she got herself together. I noticed that her hair was messed up and one of her bra straps was peeking out from beneath the straps of her dress. She picked up the menu and began to scan it.

"Where were you?" I questioned, "I've been sitting here for almost an hour, Melanie."

She didn't even look up at me when she answered, "I lost track of time."

"And what were you doing?" I further when on to ask.

She hesitated to say something. In fact, she didn't even say anything. Her cheeks grew a brighter shade of red and she returned her attention to the menu.

"Well?" I urged.

She set down her menu, "It's none of your business what I do, Ian. I lost track of time, that's all."

My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? We're dating, Melanie. And I feel that I have the right to know why you came an hour late to our date that has been rescheduled more times than I can count on my hands."

"I was with Toby, okay?" She replied, frustrated.

"What were you doing with Toby?" I inquired.

"Nothing!" She shouted at me. I felt all eyes find their way to our table. But that didn't stop Melanie from yelling at me, "Just because I was with someone doesn't mean I have to tell you exactly what we did! And anyways, we didn't do anything wrong! We just hung out, okay?"

"I never said..."

"I mean, it's not like you haven't been sneaking around with that girl from Nachael Squared!" She continued, "I'm sick and tired of you lying to me, Ian!"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled as I tilted my head down and began to twiddle my thumbs.


"Can you just be quiet and order something?" I murmured under my breath as I reached over the table and took her hand in mine. She averted her gaze away from me, "I'm sorry I asked you where you were."

She slipped her hand out of mine and picked up her menu, holding it up so I couldn't see her. I rolled my eyes and grabbed another waiter as he passed by, asking for another glass of wine.

Author's Note: Okay, I hope this chapter was okay. I actually had @iloveianfromSMOSH help me with it, so...hopefully you liked it. In addition, I'm almost positive calls don't go through a Google TV, but whatever. Anyways, don't forget to tell me what you though and thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang