[Chapter 4] February Break

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-Natalie's POV-

I hung up the call with Anthony and sighed. He wanted me to come to California. So Rachael wasn't miserable anymore. And I missed her. A lot. There wasn't someone for me to play Just Dance or Mariokart with, and even if my parents played with me, it wasn't very good competition like Rachael was. There wasn't someone for me to come home to and talk about my crush at school or other things. And there wasn't someone I could talk about YouTube with like I could with her.

I rushed downstairs, excitement filling up inside of me with each step, and found my parents sitting at the kitchen table reading the morning newspaper.

"Well look who decided to come downstairs..." My dad remarked sarcastically as he glanced up from the newspaper at me.

Almost all of my excitement ceased to exist as I gave him my signature death glare and slid into the seat adjacent from him and across from my mother. My dad stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. Then I turned my attention to my mom, "Hey mom, do you think I could go to California this February Break to see Rachael?"

She paused before she took her sip of coffee, "You want to go to California to see your sister?" I nodded my head yes. And in response, she laughed at me, "Only if you can afford it and there's going to be someone with you."

"Rachael will be with me," I replied, "She's practically an adult. I mean, she's nineteen and living on her own!"

"We'll think about it," was what she told me.

"Yeah, we'll think about it," My dad added.

I frowned and got up from the table, walking back upstairs to my room and going to watch YouTube.

A week later, and only one week till February Break, I attempted to ask my parents again. This time, they were watching some HGTV show. I plopped down on the couch next to my dad and stared at him until he noticed me. He finally glanced down at me and asked, "What do you want?"

"Have you thought about it yet?" I retorted.

"Thought about what?" My mother asked.

My shoulders dropped and the my lips straightened, "You know, the whole me going to California to see Rachael for February Break?" I reminded them. They both looked at each other and laughed. "Seriously, guys!?!" I yelled at them, "I want to see Rachael! And it's not like we're going to be doing anything here but sit around all day!"

"Watch your attitude, missy," My dad told me calmly. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch.

The Friday before February Break, at the dinner table this time, I brought up the situation again, "Have you decided yet?"

The two of them remained silent for the longest time until my mom said, "We suppose you could go..."

"Come o..." I stopped myself short as my eyes widened. I was ready for a no and they just said yes, "Wait, you're seriously letting me go?"

"Yeah, we decided it might be good for you to see your sister again. I mean, we didn't have her here for Christmas so..."

I jumped to my feet and gave my mom and dad each a hug, something I didn't do much, "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, "I have to go pack my bags!" I ran upstairs and pulled out my duffel bag, starting to throw clothes and whatever else I thought I'd need into it.

"You know you're not leaving until tomorrow, right?" My dad called up the stairs.

I didn't really care. I was seeing Rachael.


When I got to California, I had to call my parents (one thing they required of me since I was going alone). After that, I hopped in a cab from the airport and was driven to the apartment building my sister lived it. I walked up to her apartment door and knocked. There wasn't a response. I knocked again. Still no response.

"Come on, Rach!" I called, knocking once again, "Open the door!"


I turned my head in the direction of the sound and saw Rachael standing at the end of the hallway. She dropped all of the things she had in her hands and ran towards me, pulling me into a hug, "I'm so happy to see you here!" She exclaimed as she took a step back, "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come and visit you," I stated with a smile, "It's February Break and, why not?"

She smiled widely and held up her finger, running back and getting her stuff and unlocking the door. I followed her in as she dropped everything on the floor and turned towards me, "I seriously cannot believe you're here! Oh my god, I'm going to have to introduce you to everyone and..." She began to rant on about all the stuff she wanted to do with me. I zoned out, I honestly didn't really care. I was just happy to be here.

-Ian's POV-

Melanie and I were on a date tonight, something we hadn't done in a while. It's not because she or I didn't want to, it's just that we didn't have the time to. At least I didn't. And we've had this planned for months, we've just had to reschedule a lot.

While we were waiting for our food at this high-end restaurant I had to put a suit on for, my phone started to vibrate. Melanie's smile lessened a little. I tried my best to ignore it, but when the vibrating stopped, it just started up again,

"One second," I told her, pulling my phone out of my pocket and looking at it. It was Anthony calling me. I heaved a sigh and got up from the table, walking outside and answering the call, "What do you want, Anthony? You know I'm on a date with Melanie right now!"

"I know, Ian, but you need to come home...like, right now."

"Why? Is there a fire?" I asked worriedly.

"No, Nachael's here!"

I breathed a sigh, partially in relief and partially in anger, "Seriously, Anthony? That's all? It can wait till later..." Just as I was about to hang up, I heard him shout:

"But Natalie's here and she's really eager to meet you! Come on, man. She's only here for about a week."

I glanced over my shoulder to look into the restaurant and saw Melanie. I frowned, putting the phone up to my ear, "Are you sure I can't meet her another day?" I know how badly Melanie wanted to go on this date, and it would break her heart if I told her we had to reschedule. Again.

"She's really busy this week, Ian. Can you just tell Melanie you'll go out another night?"

I sighed, "I guess so..." I replied half-heartedly.

"Oh my god, great," He retorted, "See you soon!"

I ended the call and shook my head. I walked back inside and sat down across from Melanie.

"Is everything okay?" She inquired softly. I ran my fingers through my hair and gulped.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now