[Chapter 8] Missed Flights

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-Anthony's POV-

I was packing a few things for the flight I was going to take with Ian and Rachael to New York. The four months that kept Natalie away from us had finally passed and it was time for her graduation and for her to move here for good.

Kalel sat on the bed as I threw shirt after shirt into the carry-on bag I was bringing. "How long did you say you were going to be away?" She asked me.

"Only a couple of days," I answered.

"And you're coming right back after Natalie's graduation?" She inquired.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Kalel." I closed my bag and zipped it up, "This isn't the first time I'm going away."

"It's the first time you're going away with her," She told me. I heaved a sigh. I don't know why she's so paranoid about me hanging out or being with Rachael. It's not like we're having a secret affair. We're just friends.

"Kalel, nothing's going to happen," I reassured her while giving her a quick kiss on the lips, "Now I got to go meet up with them, or I'll miss the flight." She crossed her arms over her chest as I picked up my bag and left, saying goodbye to her one last time.

I got in my car and was on my way to the airport, where Ian and I were supposed to meet up with Rachael. I found her standing by herself outside, with her phone in hand and her bag by her feet. I walked up to her and smiled, "Hey, Rach."

She looked up from her phone and grinned, "Hi, Anthony."

"Is Ian not here yet?" I asked her.

"He texted me he was here, but I can't find him. I'm at the place he told me at..." Just then, I saw Ian run up to us from our left. He was out of breath as he approached us. "Where have you been?" She inquired.

"I texted you the wrong entrance I was at, sorry," He answered, bending over as he tried to catch his breath. "When's our flight again?"

I looked down at my watch. It was 9:55a.m., and our flight left at 10:00a.m. "Right now!" I exclaimed as everyone gathered their bags and rushed inside. Unfortunately, we didn't make it in time. And we had to take the next flight, which was fortunately at noon. Rachael tried calling her parents to tell them she was going to be a little late, but they wouldn't pick up.

"It's going to be fine, Rach," I said as we boarded the new plane, "I'm sure they'll understand."

"Natalie's going to be devastated..." She retorted softly, almost as if she didn't hear what I said.

-Natalie's POV-

I was sitting with all of my classmates in the hot summer sun. The red and blue graduation gowns we wore only absorbed the heat, and were making me sweat like crazy. I turned around to see if Rachael was here yet. She was supposed to be here so tomorrow we could leave. But I only saw my parents and an empty seat.

I sighed and turned back around as our principal began to name the graduates. My last name started with an E, so I was called relatively quickly. As I walked across the stage, I looked out in the crowd again. Still no Rachael. I was handed my diploma and shook my principal's hand. As I sat back down, I couldn't help but be sad.

Before the ceremony ended, I looked back once more. And to my relief, Rachael was sitting down next to my parents and two easily recognizable guys - Anthony and Ian. My eyes widened. What were they doing here?

The graduation ceremony ended and I threw my cap into the air along with everyone else. I pushed my way through the crowd of people to find my family. I rushed up to them and Rachael pulled me into a hug, "I'm so proud of you, Nat." She told me.

"You weren't here," I retorted dismally. I stepped out of the embrace, "You didn't see me graduate."

Rachael was about to say something when Ian blurted out, "It's my fault." I looked over at him, confused, "I was late finding Anthony and Rachael at the airport and I made us miss our flight. So if you're going to be mad at anyone, it should be me."

I didn't say anything. I wasn't mad at him. I couldn't be. It was an accident, right? And they're here anyways, so it doesn't matter.

"Come on, guys," My dad said as he began to walk away from us with my mom, "We have a party to get to!"

"A party?" Ian and Anthony questioned in unison.

Rachael glanced back at them and smiled, "Yeah. I forgot to tell you guys?" Both of them nodded their heads yes. "Oh, well, we're having a party."

"Thanks for the memo," Anthony responded sarcastically. I took a ride to my house with Rachael, Ian, and Anthony in the rental car they had driven here. We arrived there and I noticed there was already a bunch of people there. I got out of the car and was immediately surrounded by everyone.

I received "Congratulations" after "Congratulations" and "I'm going to miss you" after "I'm going to miss you" from family members and close family friends. It was awkward being the center of attention.

After everyone left, around two in the morning, the usual time everyone's gone from our house, it was time for the four of us to get some rest before we had to leave tomorrow. Rachael slept in my room on the floor while Anthony and Ian slept in Rachael's old room, which my parent's turned into an office.

"I'm so excited," I whispered to Rachael. I couldn't fall asleep - I was thinking about tomorrow.

"That's good for you," She groaned as she turned away from me.

"What's it like having Sohinki as your neighbor?" I asked her, staring at my ceiling, "How often do you get to see all of the YouTubers? What is it...?"

"Nat, go to bed," Rachael told me. I frowned and closed my eyes. Despite how ecstatic I was to finally be moving in with Rachael, I eventually fell asleep.


"Oh my god, Nat!" Rachael's voice rang in my ear. She was poking me, something she used to do to get me up, "Wake up! We're late!"

"What?" I moaned as I looked up at her, "What do you mean?"

"We're running late for our flight!" She shouted at me as she threw me a bag and some clothes, "Hurry up. We need to get to the airport before our flight leaves!" I looked at the clock on my dresser and read that it was 8:15a.m. Way too early for me.

I sat up and sighed, "What time is the flight?"

"8:30," She answered, "Now hurry up! We're going to miss it!" I did as she said and five minutes later, met up with everybody downstairs. I said goodbye to my parents and rushed out of the house with Rachael, Ian, and Anthony. We sped to the airport and ran inside, only to find that our flight just left. Everyone dropped their bags in disappointment.

"We can try to fit you on the next flight," The woman at the desk offered.

"When is it?" Ian asked.

The woman looked at her computer and answered, "Four in the afternoon. It's a pretty full flight though, you might need to take a later one."

"And when is that one?" Rachael inquired.

"Tomorrow at 1:30 in the morning."

"Shit..." Anthony mumbled as he began to pace back and forth, "Kalel's going to kill me...Kalel's going to fucking kill me..."

"Thank you," I told the woman before the four of us went to sit down. Luckily we were able to fit on to the 4:00p.m. flight and get to California sooner.

On the flight, I couldn't calm down. I was finally going to live in California, where Rachael and all of my favorite YouTubers live. And I couldn't be happier.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now