x Sober x

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(Daniel's Pov)

I staggered into my house; eyes blurry and head spinning. I grabbed the wall to keep myself up and kicked the door shut with my leg. I took each movement one step at a time, but somehow I still ended up on the floor.

I groaned in pain and clutched my throbbing head. "Fuck..."

A light flickered on upstairs and footsteps errupted down the hallway. Usually I would've been like 'shit, shit, shit.' But as I was completely and utterly, 100 % drunk, I was more interested in why I could smell grapes when grapes didn't even have a proper smell.


Mom's voice made me groan again. She was going to get Dad to kick my ass for this in the morning. But you know, that wasn't my in my top priorities at that moment. I was still smelling the invisible grapes.

"Daniel, are you drunk?!"

"Can you...smell...grapes?"

Mom hurried down the last step, knealt down to my body and then looked at me sternly. "Daniel Storm, you are so drunk! Why are you drunk?!"

"Do grapes even have a smell...?" I wondered.

Mom sighed and the face palmed herself before reaching her arms under my back and attempting to pull me up. I didn't want to get up though, I wanted to lie down on the uncomfy, hard wooden floor as normal people do.

"Come on Daniel, you need to get to bed. Sleep this off,"

"But I like the floor,"

"Daniel that's not funny,"

"No but grapes are,"

"Hunter! Can you come and take your son to bed?!"

Hunter was my Dad. He was the best guy in the world. He was my favorite person. My idol, my hero, my everything. I rolled over on the floor, ending up half on Mom's legs as she placed her hand on my hair. I didn't get drunk a lot, but when I did, I usually ended up like this on the floor.

There was more footsteps from the stairs, and then in a matter of seconds, I could see my Dad knealing in front of me. I looked a ton like Dad even though we weren't really related. I'd had natural blonde hair, but dyed it black so I could look like him. I wore his old lip ring and his old skinny jeans and tees. He got me into photography and old bands like Bring Me The Horizon and Black Veil Brides and Green Day. Those bands were still going but they weren't as popular as they were in 2012.

"Hey kiddo," his voice made me smile a little.

It made me forget about the grapes

"What are you doing on the floor?"

"I'm fell on the floor,"

Dad chuckled. "Can you get up?"

I blinked at him in confusion. "I am up,"

This made Mom laugh for some reason, she somehow couldn't stop. Me and Dad both looked at her like she was crazy but she continued laughing.

"Remember when you said that when you were his age?" Mom asked Dad.

Dad shook his head. "Was this when I thought my name was Ok?"


"Don't remember,"

Mom chuckled once more. "Oh well. I shouldn't be laughing at this. Why the hell are you getting drunk Daniel? You have no idea how much trouble you're going to be in tomorrow,"

Dad gave her his famous 'what the fuck' look.

Mom rolled her eyes. "What?"

"How many times did we get drunk when we were 15?"

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