x Bruises & Scars x

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x Bruises & Scars x

( Picture of Andy in the side )

I hung up my phone, not wanting to even give him a chance to reply. I knew that hearing his voice would make me just run home and the consequences for that were severe.

I could hear Britt and Andy having sex. They were really loud and it was irritating the hell out of me. Britt had given me back my phone but said she'd take it away from me again if I called anyone. I just hoped she wasn't actually going to look through my calls, so to be on the safe side, I deleted the phone history.

I was currently sat in the bathroom, my back against the tub and my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go home, but they wouldn't let me.

I'd begged Britt to drive me home or just let me walk, and she eventually just got pissed off at me and stormed out the room. Then Andy slapped me, told me to shut the fuck up, and followed Britt where they began to have sex.

"Kid open the door!"

I sighed as one of the guys banged on the door. And not wanting to cause a lot of trouble, just stood up and unlocked it. I stepped out as the man pushed past me and then I walked down the corridor, not sure what to do now.

I only knew Britt and she was having sex, plus she was freaking me out.

I felt weird, being kind of scared of a girl. But she was older and she had all those guys on her side. I'd only attempted to shout at her and I ended up with a knife against my throat.

So if I physically fought back with her, I'd probably end up dead.

So I was stuck.

I wandered around the appartment until I finally decided just to sit down on the floor in the hallway. There was nothing else for me to do anyways.

So I just sat like that for a while until I heard Britt's ragid voice.

"Daniel, get in here!"

Pulling myself up to my feet, I headed over to Britt's room and hesitated before opening the door. I didn't exactly want to see her and Andy haven't sex. I wasn't perverted like they were.

But I still stepped through, and my eyes burnt when I saw them.

Andy was on top of Britt, her face bruised and lip bleeding. I didn't understand why she liked it so rough, I guess some people were just like that.

I shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah?"

"Take your clothes off and get in here,"


Britt rolled her eyes. "Take your clothes off and get in here,"


"Daniel," Andy snapped; turning his head around to give me an over-friendly smile. "Remember what i told you earlier? If you don't do as we say then I'm going to smack the fuck out of you. So why don't you save yourself some pain, take off your skinny jeans and tight as shirt, and then get your pathetic ass over here,"

When it was over I felt like I was going to die. Everything hurt. My face, my arms, my legs, my back, my chest. My throat no doubt had Andy's finger marks all over it, and it was getting kind of hard to breathe. I wasn't sure if my lip was bleeding but it felt like it. Sliding my tongue over the cut, I winced as the salty liquid went down my throat.

"That was great," Britt giggled.

I was more or less lying on top of her. I wanted to move, but it hurt too much to even think of changing positions.

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