x you did it again. you believed her lie x

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x you did it again. you believed her lie x

Waking up next to Britt in her bed, I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes again. I felt kind of happy which was weird because I wasn't used to feeling happy with Britt. I was used to feeling hurt and used and betrayed. Well I guess that was kind of true at the minute. I felt a little used. 

I mean, as soon as we got to hers last night we had sex.


Cause she wanted to. 

I groaned, opening my eyes again.

"Morning Danny,"

I forced a smile at Britt. "Hey,"

"Sleep alright?"

"Yeah," I snuggled in closer to her and took her hand. She sighed into my hair, knotting her fingers through it. 

I liked laying like that. It was nice, comfortable. I felt safe.

But it wasn't long until she moved, repositioning herself to press her lips against my neck.

"Britt no," I mumbled, trying to pull myself away. "Not now,"

"But I love you," she pulled me back towards her and placed her legs at either side of me; sitting on my lap. "And you love me too so-"

"I don't just wanna have sex,"

She stared at me, kind of angry. "Do you want me to get Andy?"


"I'll get Andy. He's through in the other room. We're gonna do this, got it?"

"Britt you promised! You promised you wouldn't let him hurt me!"

"I wont let him hurt you," she promised as she took my hands and kissed them both. "Just do what I tell you to do. And if you do that like a good boy, we wont need to get Andy involved."

"Britt, please-"


"No I'll do it!" I said quickly, forcing myself to come closer and kiss her neck.  I felt like such a whore; screw it, I was a whore. 

I should've listened to Jake. But if I went to him now he'd just laugh in my face and say I told you so. Hell, that's what I'd do. And Dad would be so pissed and me and so would Mom and Chris and James and Alex. Everyone was gonna hate me.

It was  like I was asking for it.

I deserved it I guess.

This was punishment for screwing up everyone's life.


"See that wasn't so hard," Britt said as she tied her hair up. She slipped into her underwear and stepped towards the door.

"Wait Britt?"

She turned around to face me. "Yeah?"

I grabbed my lip ring, nervous. "I need to go home,"

"Will you come back?"


"Cause if you don't come back, you're not leaving."

"I'll come back, I promise."

"And if you don't," she leaned against the doorframe like she was trying to seduce me or something. God she was such a whore. I hated her. But then I had this scary attraction towards her. "If you don't come back, Andy will come get you. Plus it would be a shame of that friend of yours to get hurt. Jake, is it?"

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