x Anger x

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(AN) I'll be really quick! Thanks for votes, comments, it does mean a lot (': Also, I put in the info that there is strong language in this. Those of you who've red LLAD/LLTS will know that the Storm family swear a lot. So, to the person who is literally stalking me with these pm's, please stop messaging me telling me that i need to stop with all the swear words? it's not gonna happen. Not being a bitch, but if you don't like the swearing, then don't read it. Simple as that C:

Picture of Jake (Alex&James' adoptive son) in the side ^.^

Nawh, I love you guys ><


x Anger x

* Hunter's Pov *

Shit, I really fucked up this time.

"Alex and James haven't seen him but they're gonna go out looking for a bit," Kat told me as she hung up the phone, her eyes still slightly red from crying.

Daniel had been missing for a while. He'd ran out of the house absolutley furious at about 4 o'clock, and now it was 2 AM. Kat was on urge on calling the Police, but I wasn't so sure.

I knew what I was like at his age. I ran off everytime I heard something I didn't want to hear or when I got scared of upset. It was just what I did when I got angry, and Daniel seemed to have that as well.

This wasn't the 1st time he'd ran off.

"Hunter we need to call the Police," Kat urged. She took my hands and squeezed them tightly, her eyes staring into mine with concern. "He got beat up the other day because he was out all alone. What if he's hurt now?"

"I'll go out looking again,"

"You've already been 2 times,"

"So? 3rd times a charm,"

Kat sighed, her eyes starting to water again. Feeling like a complete idiot for not comforting her, I pulled her in close to my chest and wrapped my arms around her waist. A cry escaped her lips, but she bit back on more.

"It's all my fucking fault," I muttered.

Yes, my swearing had never really got better. It was just something that came out naturally. I'd been brought up with a cuss word in each sentence, I literally thought it was normal. And even though Chris tried to get me to stop, we never really got round to it.

It was always like, "Shit! Fuck!"

"Hunter stop swearing!"

"I can't help it..."

"Oh, okay."

There had been a phase were Chris slapped me when I swore, but as soon as I was diagnosed with ptsd, he stopped that immediatley.

I tried not to swear around Daniel and usually I was pretty good at it. Just earlier, when he said things about John, I got mad.

He had a reason to though and he did have a point.

I was just so pissed off.

And now my 15 year old son was currently doing god knows what with god knows who?


Just fucking great.

"Please don't blame this on yourself?" Kat begged quietly. "I don't want you to be upset. I want you to be strong for Daniel. When he gets back, we're going to have to have a serious talk with him. He can't keep doing this, running off when he hears something he doesn't like, even if he has a reason to. He can't end up like..."

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