x i'll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to heaven x

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x i'll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to heaven x

"Daniel!" Mom cried and flung her arms around me, hugging me tightly but not enough that I winced in pain. I tried to respond the best I could with a broken arm and a sprained wrist, but it was limp and pathetic.

"Mom," I whimpered.

She quickly kissed my forehead and then gently grabbed my hand. "Baby you had me so scared! Everyone was so scared...please never ever scare us like that again!"

"Mom, I'm sorry!" I shrank back into the bed, terrified that she was angry at me. Reaching forwards to brush her hand over my cheek, I relaxed a little and breathed out softly. "Sorry.."

"It's ok," she whispered. "I'm not mad at you. No one's mad at you. We're just so happy you're ok. If anything had happened, I don't know what we'd do,"

"I'm ok though," I assured her.

"I know you are,"

The room door opened and I smiled as Dad and Chris walked in, both of them smiling back at me. I was still in a lot of pain, but I didn't want Chris to give me what he gave me last night because I didn't want to fall asleep on everyone again.

"Hey kiddo," Dad murmured as he came down to kneal next to Mom. He wrapped an arm around her waist, kissed her cheek and then leaned forwards to kiss mine. "How are you feeling?"

"Ok," I lied. "When can I go home?"

"Not for a while yet," Chris said sympathetically; coming over. "Later some doctors are going to run some more tests, just to make sure that everything's ok. If it is, then you're going to need at least 3 to 5 days in the recovery unit. And if it's not, then it might take a while longer. Are you sure you're feelng ok? We don't want to risk anything,"

"My head hurts," I mumbled; not sure if that even counted.

Chris nodded. "That's maybe just because of how much painkillers you had last night. But if it gets worse then tell us, alright?"


Chris smiled. "Well, I'm sure you have things to talk about. So I'll come check on you later. Bye kids,"

As Chris walked out, Mom and Dad faced me in concern. I would've face palmed myself, but I could barely move so I just lay there expecting to hear something horrible.


"Do you remember what you told your Dad in the car?" Mom asked.


Dad reached over, taking my hand and holding it gently. "Danny you told us you where in an abusive relationship,"



"Buddy are you ok?"

"I lied," I said quietly. Mom and Dad stared at me in disbelief though; they knew I hadn't lied. Looking at them both desperatley, I cried out. "I fucking lied! It's not true! I was just angry!"

"Wow, Danny calm down," Dad begged; shooting me his sympathetic look. "It's ok, you can tell us anything. We're not gonna be mad at you, we don't even need to talk about it after today. We just need to know the truth, ok?"

I nodded, squeezing his hand as tight as I could; which in my case wasn't very strong. I looked down to the floor, not wanting to see their expressions.

"Who are you seeing?"

"Britt," I said slowly.

"How old is she?"

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