x Dad, adopt another kid so I can be incest like you and Mom? x

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(AN) So sorry for lack of uploads. Things are shit for me at the minute. I'm sorry for the length of this chapter as well. I mean it when I say I'm going to work incredibly hard on the next one<3

If you want, follow me on Tumblr<3


Love you all so much<3

x Dad, adopt another kid so I can be incest like you and Mom? x

"Sometimes, I think that our parents are all gonna marry each other." I said to Jake as we walked out of school last period. We couldn't be bothered with sitting down, listening to our Chemistry teacher rant on about the periodic table. 

So instead we went outside to smoke.

Yes, I know. Smoking's bad. It kills. My Dad used to be addicted at my age and it took him a while to stop. But I hardly ever smoked. Just when I was bored out of my mind and Jake had a few.

Lighting the cigarrette, I took in a long drag.

"I think that too," Jake agreed. "Apart from Kat,"

"Why not my Mom?"

"My Dad's only want to sleep with Hunter,"

"Are they ever going to give up on that?"

"Not till they get what they want,"

"Our parents are so fucked up,"

"I know kid,"

"So are you still seeing that girl?" He asked as he leaned back next to me on the edge of the bridge. I looked down to the water, kicking a stone into it.

"What girl?"

"Um...the older one who likes to fuck with your head,"

"Oh Britt," I mumbled. "My Dad doesn't want me seeing her,"

"I don't blame him. She was bad for you,"

"I know. That's why I liked her though,"

"You're a strange boy Daniel,"

I shrugged. "Oh shit,"


"I'm having Britt withdrawls. Talk me out of it,"


Then Jake did the most strange thing. He grabbed my phone from my hand, and then shoved it down his skinny jeans. 

"You know I can just reach in and-"

"I'm commando,"

"Daniel, where have you been? I've been calling you and-"

"My phone's down Jake's skinny jeans and I'm not reaching down because he's commando," I explained as I sat down at the table with Mom and Dad.

"Why's your phone down there anyway....?" Dad wondered.

"He was just being Jake," I said, deciding I'd rather not tell them the real reason. I sighed, looking down at my plate. "Why can't I have pizza?"

"Because you'll get fat," Dad said.

"But you've had pizza every night for the past week!"

"I'm getting old. I'm aloud to get fat,"

"Dad you're 28,"

"And still looking good,"

"James seems to think so," Mom muttered under her breath.

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