x smile for me x

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x Smile For Me x

"No I want my Dad!" I screamed, feeling so immature that it was making me cringe. Uncle James wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as I cried. "His w-wrist was b-bleeding! He c-cut himself! It's a-all my failt!"

"Don't say that," James said quietly. "It's not your fault Daniel. Why would you even think that? Don't you know how much your Dad loves you?"

"I know he loves me," I cried. "But he was fine...he was fine until we had a fight! He was fine until I screwed up John's grave! Until I jumped out the fucking car. I'm such a selfish bastard! I don't deserve him or Mom. Will should've killed me,"

James rubbed my shoulders. "Don't think like that, kiddo. None of this is your fault. You and your Dad have sorted things out, you're both fine. Just don't blame this on yourself. Hunter's upset for a completely different reason.."

I wiped some tears away. "What?"

James sighed and then brushed my hair from my eyes. "You know that John killed your Dad's Mom, yeah?"

I nodded.

"And then John tried to kill your Dad?"

"Twice," I nodded again.

James sighed. "Well, John tried to kill your Dad on the anniversary of his Mom's death. So basically, Hunter has a lot of bad memories from that day. And it's coming up to the anniversary of it all soon. He's just getting upset,"

"When's the anniversary?"


I winced. That must be horrible. Why coudln't Dad talk about it with Mom though? Why did he have to hurt himself? He promised me he didn't self harm anymore, and now he'd started again?

"He cut himself," I whispered. "I saw the blood,"

James was obviously struggling to comfort me, but I was just greatful he was here. Jake was asleep and I didn't want to wake him with my crying, Alex had drove back to my house, and me and James were on the couch in his front room.

"Tomorrow is just a bad day for your Dad," james assured me. "He's not self harmed properly since he was 17. It's not something he's going to start up again. He just needs to get through tomorrow and focus on something different,"

* Hunter's Pov ( Flashback ) *

"Fuck you both then!"

Everything was suddenly a blur. I tried to figure out what was happening, but all I could see was Kat; a terrified look on her face. It was weird. In a life and death situation, yet all I could think of was how fucking beautiful she was.

She stepped forwards, trying to get in front of me.

Why was she doing that?

Did she want to get closer to my Dad?

Did she want to be the one the gun was pointed at?

Almost angry at her stupid movement, I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back as hard as I could. She stumbled away into the wall, crashing down to the floor and clutching her head.

I hadn't realized how hard I'd pushed her, but at least she was away from my Dad.

Turning back to face him, I met that crazy glint of a glare. He wasn't smiling, he had a look of desperateness on his face. Like he just wanted all of it to be over.

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