x Carry On x

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x Carry On x

"Hunter?! Oh God!" Kat flung her arms around me, her face pouring with tears. I didn't respond to her hug though. I couldn't move my arms. "Angel, what happened? They wont tell me what happened!"

"He jumped out of the car," I said quietly. "Daniel, he jumped out of the car."

I wasn't sure if I believed the words myself. I just didn't understand. Had Daniel tried to commit suicide? Or was it just a drunken mistake made from anger and betrayal?

Oh god, this was all my fault wasn't it?

"Hunter please look at me," Kat whimpered.

I realized her hands on the side of my face, forcing our eyes to meet. She placed a finger on my cheek, wiping away tears I didn't realize I was crying.

"Hunter please tell me he fell," she whispered. "Please tell me he fell out of the car. Not jumped,"

I shook my head. "He said "fuck life" and then he jumped out of the car. I tried to..I tried to pull over to talk to him. But he did it so quick. Jake tried to reach him but he...he just jumped Kat. And it's all my fucking fault. I'm the one that he was mad at. I'm the one that didn't notice he was struggling. Did you know that he's been seeing an older girl? And being beaten up by her friends? Why couldn't he come to us about that? Why did he have to hide away? I swore that I wouldn't mess things up with Daniel. I swore that I'd make sure he had an amazing life. But loo kat it, everything's fucking falling apart!"

* Daniel's Pov (Flashback) *

"Hi Daniel, are you ready to meet your new parents?"

I faced the 2 grown ups, my eyes looking back and forth between them. One was a women, and she was really pretty. She had really blonde hair, like the sun. And her smile was really wide, like she was happy to see me even though I didn't know her properly.

I looked at the man and at first, he scared me a little. He was quite tall and had black hair which covered his green eyes. His skin was really pale and he had a small smile on his face.

I wasn't sure if I should run and be scared or just sit in silence.

Then the man smiled at me. "Hey Danny,"

His voice was nice, comforting almost. I smiled back at him without needing to try. There was just something about him that made me kind of happy.

"Daniel do you remember Hunter and Kat?" Mrs Frost asked me as she gestured to the grown ups.

I nodded quietly. I'd met them a few times, but I couldn't remember that well. The last time must have been 2 weeks ago when they said they were going to take me home with them.

Mrs Frost smiled. "I think Hunter's brought you something?"

"Oh yeah," Hunter mumbled as he fiddled around in his pocket. I felt myself smiling even more for some reason; he just looked so nervous. He wasn't like most guys who I would cringe away from, he was nice. Hunter finally pulled a small ipod and held it out to me.

"I put in all of the bands you told me you liked and the ones I showed you last time. I wasn't sure what color you wanted, so I just got you black because I like that color. If you don't like it I can take it back and get you something-"

I cut him off by jumping out of my seat and throwing my arms around him. I held myself close to his chest, hugging him tightly as he picked me up.

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