x Where's...My Lip Ring? x

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x Where's...My Lip Ring? x

* Hunter's Pov *

"Come on Danny," I whispered; holding his hand tightly. "Please open your eyes. I love you too fucking much to let you go. Please, please just open your eyes."

Daniel had been resussitated and now placed in an intensive care unit. The Doctors told us that he'd woken up for a few minutes, mumbled something about a man walking away in the rain, and then passed out again.

Words couldn't describe how amazing it felt to know that Danny was alive. When the Doctor came out, preparing to tell us he wasn't going to make it, I honestly felt like me heart was gonna stop beating. Of course it was still absolutley raging now, but at least I knew that he was safe.

He didn't look ok though. He had cuts and bruises all over his face and his left arm was in a cast. His right wrist was in a sling. His chest was bandaged heavily and he had those little...tubes shoved up his nose. Yeah, Chris was a Doctor and I still had no idea what those things were called.

Kat and the others had stayed in the room for about an hour, but James and Alex needed to take Jake home and Chris started work as he was on late night shifts again. Kat had been really tired, and even though she'd refused at first, I'd assured her to go home with Alex and James.

Kat had done too much worrying in her life. And most of that had been because of us. Now it was my turn to step up and be there for someone who really needed it.

I brushed the back of my hand over Daniel's cheek. "Danny please wake up. I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I promise that I will never let anything happen to you again. Fucking hell,"

I pulled back a little and dropped my head in my hands. Feeling my throat close up and my eyes burn with tears, I bit back a cry and just breathed deeply.

Danny looked up to us. I didn't want him to finally wake up, seeing us crying like I really was broken. God, words couldn't describe how much I needed Daniel. I would never let anything happen to him again. I would protect him. I would keep him safe. I would -


* Daniel's Pov *

"Hey Danny," Dad smiled softly as he wiped away some tears. He leaned forwards and grabbed my hand, squeezing tightly but not so hard it hurt. I tried to move, but noticed I was pretty much restrained by casts, bandages and random wires hooked up to machines.

I whimpered at the sudden pain; the ache from my head and the burning from my body. It all hurt; everything.

I tried to hold onto Dad's hand but I wasn't strong enough and my fingers fell limp. Everything hurt to much to even breathe properly.

"Dad," I whimpered as I felt my eyes swell up with tears. A cry escaped my lips and I tried not to break down as the pain overpowered us completely. Dad wiped away a tear from my cheek and held back his own. "Dad I'm really sorry,"

He shook his head. "Shh, Danny don't be sorry. This isn't your fault,"

"What happened?" I asked; vaguley remembered vehicles hitting me over and over again.

"You jumped out the car Danny," he murmured. "You fell onto the road and got hit by 3 other cars. I tried to pull over, I really did. But we where on a 3 lane zone, there where so many cars, we would've crashed. I thought Jake had you. It was so dark I couldn't see anything. I thought he had hold of you. I'm so sorry Danny. I'm so sorry,"

"I saw him Dad,"


"I saw John,"

I couldn't quite believe the words I said. It sounded stupid and made us feel as if I really should be in a mental hospital.

Dad blinked in confusion. "What?" He asked again.

"I was on the road and it was raining and John came up to me. He told me everything; how sorry he was; how he hated himself for what he'd done. And then he made me promise him that I'd be the savior of the broken and something else..I don't remember. I know it sounds crazy but I saw him,"

Dad smiled at me, stroking my cheek. He leaned over and pressed a button, still smiling as he leaned back. "Are you hurting?"

"Yeah but-"

He cut me off. "The Doctor's will get you something for the pain,"

"Wait Dad!"

"Don't worry. I believe you," he assured me. "I just don't know what to say."

I nodded and closed my eyes for a second, relaxing as my body started to adjust to being awake. Once I opened them again, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the Doctor in the room was Chris.

"Hey kiddo," he smiled as he walked over to me and Dad. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts," I mumbled.

Chris lightly ruffled my hair and sighed. "I'll get you some painkillers. They'll be a little strong so you might fall asleep again, but that's normal." He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. "I'm so glad you're ok. You had everyone scared,"

I looked down nervously. "Sorry,"

"It's not your fault," he promised. "Just don't hide things, ok? We're all here for you. Your Mom, me, your Uncle James and Alex, and Jake, and god knows how much your Dad loves you,"

I smiled when he said that.

I loved my Dad and liked hearing he loved me too.

Chris ruffled Dad's hair and Dad playfully shrugged him off. "I'll be right back guys,"

"Where's Mom?" I asked. I was kind of dreading seeing her. I wanted to hug her and tell her how sorry I was, but I was scared of her getting angry.

"She'll be here soon," Dad promised. "You're gonna have to stay here for a couple more nights but you'll always have someone by your side, ok? And once we get home we're gonna talk about what you said in the car,"

"Wait, what did I say?"

He sighed. "We'll talk about it later,"

"No Dad, what did I-"

"Have you ever seen what your Dad's like around needles? He goes crazy," Chris chuckled as he walked back through to the room with a syringe of some sort. He stood next to my bed and then carefully pulled my right arm onto my lap. Pressing the tip of the needle against my shoulder, I gripped Dad's hand harder as I felt the liquid go through me.

"Chris he looks like he's gonna pass out,"  Dad noted.

I felt my eyelids going back and worth a few times until I finally just closed them to save myself the trouble. I kept tight hold of Dad's hand, not wanting to let go even if it hurt to keep on.

"it's normal," Chris assured him. "Are you feeling tired, Daniel?"

"Mmm," I mumbled; feeling myself drifting off. "Where's...my lip ring?"

Dad laughed a little. "In my pocket,"

I tried to reach for it, but I knew my arms didn't move. "I want it,"

"I'll give it back to your tomorrow when you wake up,"

"I want it now though,"

I just realized how drunk I sounded and laughed at myself; feeling myself fall further into a unconsciousness.

Dad's hand brushed down my cheek, soothing it gently. "Sleep Danny,"

{ AN } Quite a short chapter, but I like it (:

Please don't hate on me for saying "us" instead of "me" at times. I couldn't be bothered going through and changing it this time :L

I love you guys to Pluto and back<3!

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