Chapter 6

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Ennard POV

I fell onto the ground, with my head landing loudly onto the tiled floor. I saw Golden Freddy spin around as my body crashed to the ground. "THERE HE IS!!!" I heard Golden shout (That's what Ennard is calling Golden Freddy now) I got up and started to run.

I ran to the kitchen and hid on the roof. I climbed into the vent and went searching for the others. I felt my feet get tugged by Golden and pull me to the ground "YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE WIRES!!!" I struggled to get free as Golden started ripping off my leg. I screamed as he ripped it off. I am starting to think that the underground was better.

Baby POV

"WE HAVE TO FIND ENNARD!!!" I screamed at the others while tears ran down my face. The others looked at each other as I was trying to go find Ennard. "Look Baby," Ballora said "We have to go hide or get out of here. Ennard is probably already dead now anyways." "YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE I DID! I KNOW HE IS ALIVE! YOU GUYS OBVIOUSLY DON'T CARE ABOUT HIM! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND I AM NOT LEAVING HIM BEHIND! IF I DIE TRYING AT LEAST I DIE KNOWING THAT I TRIED TO HELP HIM!" I knew the entire pizzaria could hear me but I didn't care. I jumped out of the vent to go look for Ennard.

I ran through the pizzaria to try to find Ennard. I was in the parts and services room when I heard a scream. "ENNARD!" I heard it come from the kitchen. I ran as quick as I could. I broke down the door and saw Ennards parts on the ground. "E-Ennard..." 

I looked up and saw Golden Freddy standing there with oil on his hands. "You little...YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ENNARD!!!" I charged at Golden Freddy and sent out my metal claw.


"Hello? Freddy? Ballora? Foxy? Are one of you in here? If none of you are then show yourself! I have a metal claw and I WILL use it. Even though I hate it I will!"

Thud.  "Owwww...."

"We're you the one who was shouting a few minutes ago?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well, after I heard it, I wanted to know who shouted. Anyways, enough about earlier, my name is Circus Baby. What's yours?"

"Hi Baby, my name is Ennard. Sorry for yelling earlier. I tripped over a few boxes is all."

-End Flashback-

We had only met a couple weeks ago and now he's gone...I grabbed the golden nightmare as he tried to get away. I had crushed him and started to rip him apart. My eyes had turned black by then and nothing was stopping me.

After I had finished ripping the golden bear to pieces, I grabbed Ennards pieces and crawled into the vent. I saw the others in the distance, looking on the camera to try and find where I was. I turned left instead of going forward to where the others were. I reached the Parts and Services room and set down Ennard so I could fix him. I rushed to the door to lock it as I don't want anyone seeing and attacking me. I grabbed a tool box and did my best to fix him.

After I had finished putting him back together, I sat down next to him and remembered things like when he asked about my metal claw and when he tried to fix me but ended up getting broken by Ballora. I eventually layed down next to him on the hard table and fell asleep.

Ennard POV (YAY! He's fine!)

I woke up,and saw Baby sitting on the ground, staring at the wall. "What happened?" I had to ask even though I knew the answer. "ENNARD!😄" She jumped up into my arms and hugged me. I hugged back of course. She finished the hug and started kissing me. We basically were ignoring the fact that the other Funtime animatronic's and us even were still in danger. But we didn't care. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't realized that there was an animatronic banging on the door. Instead of doing something we were just there, making out.

Once I noticed it, I pulled back and opened the door. I saw Mangle hanging from the ceiling "Hey, I heard the Funtime animatronic's were getting hunted down so me and Puppet want to help. Puppet doesn't want to use violence and I am very close friends with Funtime Foxy." I saw Puppet wave at us and I waved back. I grabbed Baby's hand gently and helped her off the table.

We walked over to the room that me and Baby were in earlier. We walked in and saw the Bunny sitting on the ground looking at us. "Af-Springtrap, we need you to stay in control and help us out." Puppet asked. Springtrap was the bunny's name. Huh. I thought it would be Golden Bonnie. "Are you sure I can help you." I just stood there, trying not to interrupt. "Look, we NEED you to help us. We need to go find the other Funtime animatronic's." Springtrap nodded his head and stood up.

"Hey Puppet, I wouldn't suggest checking the kitchen and just check the vents. Also, let Mangle do it. She hasn't proved to be helping and Funtime Foxy will trust her more." I face-palmed as Baby had told me what happened in the kitchen on our way here. Mangle nodded and went to go check the vents.

Then, we heard a familiar voice. "Springtrap, can I have control? PLEASE!!!" We looked around and saw no one who could have said that. "Afton, stop. You are NOT getting control. I promised Puppet." Springtrap was obviously dealing with Afton. "Oh? Where are my manners? I shouldn't be talking in front of an entire crowd without being visible!" After those words were said, we saw a purple ghost come into view. Me and Baby almost fell backwards. "What's wrong?" We just stared at the ghost, wondering what would happen.

Baby POV

I was having flashbacks of the first time I used my claw. It was on Afton's daughter. I kept on seeing the green eyes mad blonde hair. Then Afton looked at me and gasped before saying "YOU!"


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