gentle knives

25 0 0

It starts like this:
There are stars looming a halo over
Your silhouette, everything quiet.
Static crowds and drinks;
What seemed intangible is yours,
Plucked from sleep like a flower.

He is a secret you keep from yourself.
The feeling is a firework,
A build-up of white-hot vulnerability.
You dissolve it when you drive:
Window rolled down, air
Scraping your skin like gentle knives.

Playground lover, remarks the world:
You ensure your words cut your lips
When they leave your mouth; they are
Daggers constructed of fear
Aimed directly at him. You know they
Hurt him because he scowls.

Locked, locked, locked.
You may never let it out,
The thief says to you, justified weakly,
But you believe it, clutch onto it.
You aren't ready to face the irrefutable
Truth: you love him.

you are not in wonderland ➵ poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora