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i. My fingernails tapping on your jean-clad
Thighs, you smile, flutter eyelashes, words
Quiet: I love you. There are stars in your
Eyes - no, galaxies - and your laugh could
Carve a universe ex nihilo. You feel small
But to me, you're Athena: feisty, strong,
This figure of wonder.

ii. I ask nobody: Why are you so far away?
Like something holy will pick you up and
Tuck you into my bed, limbs tangled,
Bodies one. (The phone screen glows
Dimly in my hands; you're typing,

iii. Room full of people, but only us
In the world, music dimming down,
It's just you and me and how my arms
Fit so perfectly around the back of
Your neck, like jigsaw pieces, two
Half-hearts of best friends necklaces,
Meant to be, somehow.

you are not in wonderland ➵ poemsWhere stories live. Discover now