if you asked for her forever, would that be selfish?

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What do you do
when you would give her all the stars
in a heartbeat,
but she wouldn't take anything from you?

You're cold but you feel a fire
in your throat when you speak to her;
you wonder if your words burn her skin.

You can feel how much you need her
like it's its own separate being
that lives and breathes and hurts.
You kiss her gently and pray she understands
you're whispering, "Stay."

You taste her soul on her tongue
and kiss it like it's holy, like she's holy:
a God you worship when all is lost.

You know she's too good at forgiving you,
but she swears she'll stay,
though she doesn't know if it'll stop.

Your fists are bruised with anger,
your bedsheets stained with blood,
your eyes filled with tears.
You could break her every bone.

Could she strike you down like lightning?
Make your blood boil,
veins shake, heart quicken?

Although your smile is sharp,
it's like you bare a gift.
You forget yourself,
remembering you're more than
just flesh, bone, blood.

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