Part 18- Mettahearing

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I hope so too."I reply

I watch as she gets up, "okay, I'll wait here for you"
I watch as she leaves the room....

A minute or two later....

I look around the room, sitting there, moving my legs while I wait....

Another couple minute or so pass by....

I had stopped moving my legs.
I sigh, looking at my feet....


I perk up, thinking of something.
I smile slightly before I begin to hum.

I begin to sing quietly. But soon I sing a bit louder as I sit up and stand, doing some movements.

Mettaton curiously peaks his head around the corner to hear who's singing, but remains silent, since he doesn't want to interrupt.

Mettaton curiously peaks his head around the corner to hear who's singing, but remains silent, since he doesn't want to interrupt.

I am singing the song reflection..

Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my fam'ly's heart...

Mettaton continues to watch, curious, he had not heard a human sing so well.

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?"

I sing, finishing. I smile to myself and go back to humming. I go back up the back, running my hand/my fingers skimming across the wall as I walk.

*My, Darling, you've got quite the  talented voice. You been practicing?

I freeze and gulp.
I recognized the voice. It was the guy from earlier...mettaton.

I slowly look back. "N..not really heh...." I say nervously.

I..I do p..practice but not that g..good"

*Come now, beauty, don't discredit yourself, you're quite good at what you do. really not that great...."

I take a step away."heh....well I should be going" I go and slip right down, hiding under the bed again.

He pulls you out again,

*Hey, has anyone ever told you it's rude to run away from someone who's talking to you? Come with me a moment. Someone needs a lesson in confidence.

I flinch and yelp softly...I struggle and squirm when im pulled out.

"I..i'm sorry"

" no no t..thats okay you really don't have to that s..sir"I say very nervous.

*It's my obligation as a fellow singer to at least give you some pointers.

He puts you down on the shelf you were on before.

*Now, let's see, first things first, you need a proper outfit...

I feel him stand up fully, I begin struggling again.

I take a step back when I'm put down.

"Wait-W..What?!? outfit?..." I say. I wrap my cloak around me

After searching, he finally comes up with several different outfits, all made for dolls, but they all look like they'll fit you.

*Oh, no worries, I won't look at you while you're changing, I'm not indecent.

*Anyway, I, uh... I'm not too sure on your gender or anything, and I'm not about to take your robe off, so... Mind telling me a bit about yourself?
(Its a cloak, not a robe, I know. XD)'s a cloak."

...t...theres n..not much Too not p...pretty or anything" I say

*Come now, clearly someone needs a boost in self esteem, I'm sure you look great. j..just shy is all...."

"But I will tell you the b..basic things about me...."

"My name is Samantha" I say and do a small curtsey

He smiles,
*Nice to meet you, you're quite well mannered. I'm the fabulous Mettaton, the most famous celebrity in the entire underground.

C...celebrity?" I say nervously, becoming even more shy
I quickly look away.

"W...why w...would you w..waste your t..time w..with s..some S..shouldnt you be....ya know, out there performing?"I say

*Oh? No one said a celebrity can't have downtime. Besides, look at you, something tells me you have potential.

Thats true..."

P..potential? Potential for what? "

He says, waving his hands around a bit, jazz hands to be exact. XD

*I can see it now, your name, up in lights!

My eyes widen. I gulp.
"S....stardom?.." I say

"Heh....well thats flattering but I don't think that will happen ...heh.."

*Come now, don't put yourself down, you've got the potential for it! All you need is the confidence to make it happen.

I..its not that easy.... me I know. But anyway..." I say, trying to change the subject.

" 17 years old and my favorite color is blue"

*Blue, hmm? Alright, hold on a moment, let's see if we have something in that color... No guarantees, though, I wasn't prepared beforehand...

He starts rummaging through the drawer again to find something fitting for you,

*Um... What kind of blue, a light blue, a darker one, or something in the middle?

*I only ask because I've got nothing here, I'll need to sew you something completely new. don't need to that for me"

My cloak and clothes are f..fine"

*Come on, please?
He asks,

*I don't get many excuses to sew these days... Well, not for other people anyway.

....well... I guess I could use new clothes..... Since im gonna be down here for a while"i say

*Yes, now come on, let's get you into something nice, something MUCH more suiting.

He offers his hand, so he can carry you.

I slowly step on and sit down in his palm.

He gently picks you up, carrying you to his dressing room, which was a really far ways away, located in... Well it's a hotel that seems to be deticated to him! Anyway in the dressing room was extremely fancy, littered with all sorts of exotic materials.

I was still nervous about what mettaton was planning.
Once we arrive, I look around in awe.

He smiles warmly,
*What do you think? Glamorous, isn't it?

"Y..yeah" I say as I slowly nod, still looking around

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