Part 23- A Sticky Situation

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You wind up caught in it unintentionally,

*Come here, Dearie, I'd like to see you, haven't had a visitor in a little while.

You hear a voice, obviously feminine. Whoever this is has a light french accent, but... Where she is, it can't quite be said.

*. . . You're supposed to step forward, Dearie.

Obviously you can't right now, you're stuck at the moment.

*. . . Come on now, don't be shy, dearie.

Still can't move.

*Fine, fine... I'll come to you then.

A much larger spider lands beside you. She seems astounded upon finding you're tiny.

*Well... That explains why you couldn't come see me...

I feel my foot get stuck. I tug on my foot. I freeze at the sound of a females voice. It causes me to glance around, trying to see where the stranger's voice was coming from.....

I couldnt step forward like the voice asked......

I get worried when the said that they would come to me...

I make a startled noise when an 8 legged figure suddenly lands beside me. She looks at me and speaks, while I tremble with fright...... I desperately try to pull my foot away..... If I wasnt panicking so badly I would have remembered my hidden dagger and used it but I didnt....

*Hold on, stay still a moment, I'll free you, Dearie.

She reaches down, attempting to free you.

*Apologies, we weren't expecting someone so Small, we figured humans were a bit... Bigger. ^^;

My eyes widen when she reaches for me.... I tug, trying to pull free.....but i didnt account for my shoes......
I had pulled my foot out of the shoe....but in doing so I caused myself to stumble back and land in part of a web... I was really stuck now......

I struggle lightly..... I was so scared... What if she was trying to trick eat me? My hood hides just my face right now.

She pulls you out, freeing you,

*You need to watch your step in here, dearie, you'll wind up stuck.

I turn my head away, closing my eyes, as she reaches again.. My eyes were getting teary.I can feel her fingers touch my waist, pulling me out. I squirm lightly as im lifted up.

I hear what she says..... I slowly look at her as she is lifting me to her face. "H...huh? "I was confused as to why she was telling me this....

" sorry to have disturbed you miss (miss spider lol)) I...I didn't mean to"I manage to say to her, nervously.

*Oh, it's no trouble, I enjoy having guests. You know, we had another human come through here. They were... Well, they were a lot bigger, but... Oh, nevermind. They haven't come around again, though, haven't seen them since they left. To be honest, I'm a bit worried, but... Maybe I shouldn't...

She trails off, spacing out a little it seems, lost in thought.

I feel relief wash over me.... "thank you miss" I say.

I listen to her talk about the human that papyrus was talking about earlier... I feel bad for being told by flowey about what had become of them.....

Her pet walks by, snapping her out of her trance as it hands her your shoe,

*Oh, Pardon. You may want this back.

She hands you your shoe.

*Don't mind Cupcake, their harmless.

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