Part 26- The 'other' lab

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She seems to go pale upon hearing that name.

*H-how did you l-learn of that p-person? H-he was our royal scientist b-before me, b-but h-he... He "Fell down" a-a while ago, years and years back.

Well...I um.. " I sigh"... I saw him alphys .... I met Dr. Gaster."

*Y-you MET him?!

She looks shocked.

*T-that can't be possible... H-he's been gone for years, we couldn't e-even find his d-dust.

Y..yes alphys, I did. But please keep your voice down. I don't know if the others are still around"

"But it is alphys.... Please believe me... He needs help ok? He is stuck in the void.... He told me to find his followers and his research, it's the only way he can be brought out the void...."I say

*I-It's not that I don't believe you, b-but... I-I... I gave up hope of finding him ages ago, the rest of his lab assistants left, S-sans and I are the only two left, a-and Sans retired after... N-nevermind, I-I'll see what I can do to help you.

I listen and was surprised when she said sans.... Was he a lab assistant?

I was a bit confused when she stopped talking about sans... I was curious but I decide not to ask....

"Heh weeell.....I was chased by a dog from snowdin into waterfall.... And I ran into a room and-

After a few minutes of explaining....

-And that's what happened..."

*That's... That's one heck of a story... I-I've never heard o-of such a thing, b-but... Maybe the others would know... F-finding them is the trouble... A-anyway, could you come with me?

*I-I'll show you some of the old records, and some of Dr. Gaster's old research. Y-you may want to see it.

Yeah I know it is but it's true."

I nod and wait for her to offer me a hand.

"I would like to see it"

* She gently picks you up taking you into what looks like... Waaaaait, that's a bathroom stall. Is this some kind of...*
Oh. Nevermind. It's actually an elevator. Makes sense, I guess, Sans DID say monsters don't need to use bathrooms...

I watch as I carried towards it.. I tilt my head, confused at first but...

Once I remember what sans said and his pun, I mentally giggle. "Hey alphys, where is the old lab at anyways? Is it through that door?"I ask

*D-down there.

She replies, somewhat nervously.

*I-I don't show very many people w-what I have down here, t-the lab is... I-I ran a few experiments d-down there a long while ago...
*...It didn't go well.
*Alphys seems embarrassed, and a bit upset with herself. *

Alphys steps into the elevator, the door swooshing shut behind her.

Oh so its an elevator?"I ask as we reach it..."oh..... Well um..people make mistakes alphys and we learn from them so... Don't worry."

I watch as we enter the elevator.
I hold onto her thumb as a reflex when we are lightly jolted to a stop when we arrive at the floor....

I watch as the doors open......

The old, dingy lab before you is undoubtedly the true lab. Alphys seems a bit tense down here. Bad memories possibly? Couldn't say...

Either way, she walks forward, past a few electronic screens, each displaying various lab entries.
She's not stopping to read any, by the looks of things.
Anyway, she continues until she reaches a room closer to the back, with an old Vhs, and a tv set. She ignores these, and digs around inside the shelf that these sit atop of, pulling out miscellaneous dusty papers.

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