Part 19- Fashionista

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Mettaton sits down in a seat in front of a large mirror, putting you in the dresser it's attached to.

After I'm set down, I turn and look at around. My hood is still up

"n..nice place"

He smiles warmly,

*Why thank you, Darling, that's quite nice of you to say. I already know how fabulous it is, but a little reassurance never hurt anyone.

"Heh...I guess your right"

*Now, shall I get started on a few fancy looking outfits for you?

I look at the mirror.

"F..fancy? T..they don't need to be fancy." I say shyly, looking back at him

*Oh, come now, only the best will do.

He says this, implying he really wants to give you the best he's got. But, Why?

I sigh with a slight smile and look up a bit." oh alright...I guess one would be alright" I say

*Come now, only one? Darling, you're going to need more than one, I want to try a few different styles, if I may.

"M..maybe only a few would be okay..." I say shyly.

I...I just don't know when I would wear fancy things.."

*Oh, I do all the time, it's pretty simple really.

He gets to work, sewing together the first of many dresses.

((Wow no measurements? Lol))

((Hes a robot, he could analyse you as he goes. XD))

"O..oh I see."

I then watch in amazement of how quickly he is working

*Darling, I must ask... Do you have anything on under that cloak?

I was surprised. "O..of course I do!"I say

*I'm only asking because I need to see you. I need to make the measurements for this dress, but the cloak is making it a bit tricky to get your exact measurements.

O..oh..okay..sorry...."I say

My hands go up to put the hood down and take the cloak off but I stop..

"J..just promise not to laugh..."

*Come now, what's there to laugh at?" I say looking down slightly

*Why would I, though? There's nothing for me to laugh at, nor is there anything for you to be ashamed of. not pretty or anything though..."

*Your point?

People usually laugh..."

*I'm not most people, Darling, I'm Mettaton.

I smile slightly."t..thank you"

I move my hands back up. I put my hood down and then take my cloak off. I set it down.

I then look up at him.

True to his word, he doesn't laugh. He DOES, however, chuckle ever so slightly, but not at all mockingly,

*See what I mean? Nothing to laugh at. You look just fine.

R..really? Thank you.." I say with a small smile

*You know...

He leans down so he's at eye level with you,

*You're actually quite cute, Darling.

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