Part 21- Shy Star

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*Hmm? My, this is interesting... Sam, head backstage a moment, I've got this.

Mettaton then walks over to block Sans and Papyrus' path.

Once im set down i hurry to the back.... I breath, I couldn't believe I just sang...infront of a crowd....
"Phew..."I smile slightly.

I head over to the vanity and climb up a scarf hanging off of it.....

I pull myself up onto the top. I pant lightly before getting up.

You manage to overhear some of their conversation,

*So nice to see some familiar faces, you two, how have you been?

*eh, not bad i guess. you seen sam?

*Ah yes, our darling star in the making, she's... Not here at the moment.


*No worries you two, I'll show you to her in a moment, she's just resting herself a little bit before we head back to see our dear doctor Alphys.

*fair enough, i guess.

I hear this.... I can imagine the fangirling from alphys and the embarrassment I would feel...

I quickly go and grab my cloak, putting it on. Using my cloak as a parachute, I glide to the floor and manage to slip out the other door.......

10-15 minutes later......

*Alright, I'll go get her, wait here a moment, will you?

Mettaton leaves, walking to the dressing room.

*Sam, Darling, we have guests, they're dying to meet you.

There's no response obviously.

*Sam, don't be shy, it's only your friends, they're just worried about you is all, nothing to get worked up about.

Again, no response.

*... Okay... Sam, I hate to say it, but I can't leave them hanging. Forgive me, but I'm coming in.

Mettaton opens the door.

*Sam? Where did you go?

*so, she's not here?

*HUH?! O-oh, W-what are you talking about, Sans, of course she's in here! ...S-somewhere. ^^;

Sans starts looking through everything, looking for you, Papyrus soon following when he sees what's going on.


((Also the fashionista chapter has been edited))

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