Being his Friend- explanation

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Well hello there

I know the Danosours aren't necessarily supposed to talk about Adrian, Dans younger brother, because of what happened a while ago.

Adrian got ALOT of hate from the fandom, telling him he wasn't good enough, and he would never live up to Dan as a person.

That was a horrible thing for anyone to have to go through, even though he and Dan didn't really get on so well in the first place, and Dan started to dislike the fandom because of it.

But seeing as neither Adrian or Dan will ever read this, I decided to create a different story, in a perfect world where none of that happened.

Also, in this the ages are different. Dan is only a year older than Adrian and there is no age gap between Dan and Phil.

Phil, Chris and PJ also all happen to go to the same school...

It's made up okay I can do what I want!!

Hope you enjoy it anyway

Love you all, don't be afraid to leave a cheeky little comment ;)

Au revoir <3

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