Chapter 12

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Dan's POV


"Dan, it's Jamie."

"Oh hey! How are you?"

"I'm grand, I was just wondering if you had plans Saturday night?"

"Er... no why?"

"Up for a Nando's with me and Phil?"

"Sure! Do you want me to ask if Adrian wants to go?"

"I don't know..."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. You can show him how amazing you are."

"Alright. But if everything goes horribly and inescapably wrong, I'm blaming you."

"Deal. See you around then?"

"Yeah, see you at school."

I pressed the red 'end call' button and chucked my phone down on the sofa. Saturday night. A whole evening with Phil. Only four more nights to wait, it couldn't be that bad, I just had to wait four days. Was it too soon to start getting ready? Probably.

"ADRIAN?!" I shouted, not sure of where he was in the house.

"Dan, I'm about three meters away from you, please refrain from deafening me?" Adrian laughed, walking into the living room.

"Sorry, we're going out for dinner with Phil and Jamie on Saturday. This meal takes priority over your peasant plans." I joked, while still making it clear that he didn't have a choice.

"I was going to meet up with Brigitte Saturday night..."

"Adrian, this is your best friend. I think you owe her one night, you've been with Brigitte all the time lately."

"Dan, she's my girlfriend! I know Jamie's my best friend but she understands."

"I really think you should do this." I said quietly, disappointment showing in my voice.

Adrian sighed and slumped down on the sofa across from me. "Fine. I'll call Brigitte later."

"Thank you." I breathed.

"So what's in this for you?" I heard Adrian ask after a minute.

"What? Nothing, just a night out with friends, that's all." I answer as realistically as I could.

"Right. Friends." Adrian repeats, dragging out the 'e' in friends. "come on Dan, I've known you long enough not to tell when you're lying."

"Alright fine, I may or may not have a tiny crush on Phil. Maybe." I said quietly.

"KNEW IT!" Adrian cheered. "You should go for it. You guys would be good together."

I couldn't help but blush at his comment. "Yeah..." I said under my breath. "We would."

"Do you think you'll ask him out or something then or...?" Adrian trailed off.

"Well, I can't exactly ask someone out- a GUY out- when he has a girlfriend, can I?!" I snapped.

"I don't know, can't you? I mean he doesn't exactly look madly in love; maybe you should use this opportunity to talk to him about it."

"You- you really think I should?"

"Course you should you nob. Now shut up on watching death note." He said which made me laugh. Talking. That's all I have to do, talk.

Not one of my strong points, but we'll give it a go.

I slept pretty well last night. All my thoughts were on Phil, his eyes, how his hair falls, the way he carries himself. He's the ideal image, in my mind, of perfection, but he's someone else's. He's dating a girl in Jamie's year. I thought he said he was gay? I came out to him almost immediately, which I have never done before with someone I've just met, and now he's dating a girl?

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